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PAST HISTORY : I am 22 years boy my height is 5.7 I need to add 2 to 3 inches more to my height means 5.10 is it possible to gain height . If its possible pls tell me how can I gain height
Dr. Ramesh Madan answered : 12 years ago
Basically our height is determined by the kind of genetic factors we have and that is the most important of all.
Although you have moderately good height,and it is very difficult to gain height after bone fusion if at all you may gain height it is expected that you will gain around 2-4 cm maximum.
You may try with following steps if they benefit
1)have a high protein diet(including eggs,chicken,paneer,dals,soyabean)
2)have good amount of calcium in your diet and also can plan to take calcium suppliment(once daily) and also can take multivitamin suppliment which contains niacin and zinc(once daily)
3)also have vitamin d3 suppliment one tablet 60000 iu once a week for 6 weeks
4)plan a good working schedule which includes a good work out plan and also have a good sleep(with sleeping on time and getting up early in morning will benefit you)
5)avoid taking any kind of steroids
If you think that you parents or grand parents had a very good height and you don't have that good a height then you can visit a medical proofesional an endocrinologist,he will get you tested and if you have deficency of hormnes then you can be prescribed with hormonal drugs.
Dr. Anand Prakash Rao Ghorpade