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1 Answers

Dear Vishnu, Acidity is a common complaint with smoking and alcohol consumption. Try to avoid both of them, Have timely food and sleep. Reduce oily and more spicy foods. Take plenty of buttermilk, leafy vegetables in your diet. Take 2-3 cups dhaniya decoction every day. Take mint leaves every day in your diet. follow these and get back to us with ur feed back.....Dr Ranganadh

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Doctor my mother aged 63yrs have DVT. When scanned the report says following; 1- grey scale imaging shows enlarge diameter of Common Femoral Vein (CFV) & Superficial Fomoral Vein (SFV). 2- Color Doppler reveals non-fillilng of external lilac vein on the left side. Partial filling of colour is seen in the left CFV & SFV. The Popliteal vein does not show any colour filling. The Peroneal and Posterior Tibial veins are filling with the colour. Anterior tibial vein could not be identified on colour Doppler. 3- Doppler imaging shows mid respiratory plasticity in CFV. There is very poor Response to distal augmentation in the CFV. 4- Great Saphenous vein is Patent. IMPRESSION- Deep vein thrombosis in lower limb involving External lliac vein, CFV,SFV & Popliteal vein, and possibly Anterior Tibial Veins. There is partial recanalisation of CFV & SFV. Posterior Tibial and Peroneal veins are patent. Suggested clinical correlation. Scan copy added to the medical record in the profole. that the above is the report of the radiologist now what medicine you prescribe ,how to take and when to review the report? .whether the same will be cure or the patient should be in medicine for life long,what are the immediate risk?

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, The Doppler examination shows a thrombus in the deep veins with partial recanalization. This suggests that the thrombus is of a chronic nature. The Doppler can be repeated after one month of treatment to see residual thrombus. We do not provide any prescription. For this you have to visit an internal medicine specialist. Feel free to ask more questions. ...
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hi i have a female friend , she used to to smoke Hookah tobacco for 3 months then suddenly she stopped smoking , now she feels heart pain (heart beats faster ), chest pain (hard to breath and some timed coughs blood ) and back pain when she went to the hospital the doctor said you must stop smoking hookah gradually not stop suddenly so what do u recommend and is it true that this is the only solution for this problem ? or is there some kind of pills or medical solution? i don't her to smoke again cause if she tries again she may be addicted again to hookah tobacco so please i want a better solution then this solution

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Since you have not told me about the age of the patient ,with only history available that she was a smoker,following might be the causes - - Bronchitis - Brochiectasis - Lung carcinoma - Pneumonia For all of these you will have to leave smoking.You may quit smoking suddenly but doctors at might not recommend it because this might suddenly lead to dropping of hormone levels in blood which might cause depression. For knowing about the exact cause about the disease, I will have to know ...
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I have a heart sinking feeling and also the heart rate increases. This also adds up to my anxiety. I got an ECG and TMT done and both came normal. Not sure what next steps should I take? Please advise.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, The heart sinking feeling you described is usually can be due to sudden decrease in blood pressure specially in hypertensives. It can also be due to decrease in blood sugar if you are a diabetic or may be at times it could be stress induced. The other cause can be vestibular system related or some problems with your ear drums,then may be if you have continuous headache(migraine),some neurological problem or problem related to your eyesight or just simply weakness in your body. Many people ...
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Hi Puneet, Every time i eat something i have this inflammatory sensation in my throat that's kind of very uncomfortable. I cannot eat spicy food at all these days. Every time i eat junk food like burgers or Pizza or KFC, i end up having problem with my stomach (stomach upset mostly). This problem started since 2010 when i was doing night shifts for my company. There was a time when i did graveyard shift for 3 consecutive weeks. I stopped doing night shifts after i had problems with my stomach. I have a very tough time in finding food of my taste here. I generally prefer salads and bland food. Fruits rich in alkaline level tend to help me a lot. I'm not married yet, so its very difficult for me to find such food everywhere especially at my workplace. I consume alcohol every weekend but next day morning i end up having acidity. So i have to take ENO (fruit salt) to feel better. This has been the case since 3 years now. The only food which suits me is Bland food and fruits (especially the ones rich in alkaline level). I would really appreciate your help with this. Thanks!

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, You can have acinil-o along with pantoprazole but pantop will have better effects than acinil-o. Then in 7th point I told about alcohol and not water. Alcohol also causes acidity,specially empty stomach,so you may have alcohol after having some food. In fact you should have plenty of water which I had missed to tell you. Feel free to ask further question. ...
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i used to drink alchohol 180 ml per day for the past 6 yrs,ive left the habit for 4 months,but i hv mouth ulcers with respiratory problems

  Doctor's Answer

Mouth ulcers can occur due to multiple causes, can be due to multivitamin deficiency. Add a multivitamin and consult. Respiratory problem is probably unrelated to it. Quit smoking if taking. ...
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Hi Puneet, Every time i eat something i have this inflammatory sensation in my throat that's kind of very uncomfortable. I cannot eat spicy food at all these days. Every time i eat junk food like burgers or Pizza or KFC, i end up having problem with my stomach (stomach upset mostly). This problem started since 2010 when i was doing night shifts for my company. There was a time when i did graveyard shift for 3 consecutive weeks. I stopped doing night shifts after i had problems with my stomach. I have a very tough time in finding food of my taste here. I generally prefer salads and bland food. Fruits rich in alkaline level tend to help me a lot. I'm not married yet, so its very difficult for me to find such food everywhere especially at my workplace. I consume alcohol every weekend but next day morning i end up having acidity. So i have to take ENO (fruit salt) to feel better. This has been the case since 3 years now. The only food which suits me is Bland food and fruits (especially the ones rich in alkaline level). I would really appreciate your help with this. Thanks!
2 Answers
I am suffering from social anxiety disorder. I can not face the people . can not listen the speaches of the people. I hesitates to address in programmes. I can not even speak to my superiors, relatives, etc. When I start to go my jobplace ,I feel shyness and my heart beating increased . I had taken allopathy medicine for 14 years. But there is no so much improvement .allopathy medicine affected badly my sexual power. Now I am taking Ayurvedic medicine. But there is no any improvement. So please prescribe me any solution for my desease
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I am suffering from social anxiety disorder. I can not face the people . can not listen the speaches of the people. I hesitates to address in programmes. I can not even speak to my superiors, relatives, etc. When I start to go my jobplace ,I feel shyness and my heart beating increased . I had taken allopathy medicine for 14 years. But there is no so much improvement .allopathy medicine affected badly my sexual power. Now I am taking Ayurvedic medicine. But there is no any improvement. So please prescribe me any solution for my desease -asked 6 days ago
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my bilirubin (total) is found 0.97 mg/dl, bilirubin direct is found 0.33 mg/dl, SGOT is found 41 iu/l, SGPT is found 80.9 iu/l, alkaline phosphatase is found 101 iu/l & albumin is found 4.2 gm/dl after going through a liver functioning test. I am very much worried about the SGPT count which came abnormal. i do not take regular alcohol, but i do take some medicines like norflox tz or ciprowin tz whenever i came across stomach upsets. Sir, please suggest me what should i do now and shall it be dangerous that the count came abnormal? please help.
1 Answer
Name – Biman Das Age – 28 years Indian origin, stays in Bangalore, India. 9th July 2012 - hemoglobin electrophoresis suggestive of Homozygous Hemoglobin E disease Complaint – Weakness since 1year. Hi…. Below are the complete tests I have done two days back….. Blood Urea Nitrogen – 11.00 mg/dl Serum Creatinine – 1 mg/dl Serum Glucose – 94 mg/dl SERUM LIVER FUNCTION TEST Billirubin Total – 1.30 mg/dl Billirubin – direct – 0.30 mg/dl SGOT/AST (P5P, IFCC) – 63.00 IU/ml SGPT/ALT (P5P, IFCC) – 142.00 IU/ml ALP – 74 IU/ml Total protein – 7.80 g/dl Serum Albumin – 4.90 g/dl Serum Globulin – 2.90 g/dl ALB/GLOB Ratio – 1.69 g/dl SERUM TSH (ECLIA) – 6.240 IU/mL COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT WBC – 9300.00 /cu.mm RBC – 6.15 million/cu.mm Hemoglobin – 11.90 g/dl Haemotocrit (PCV) – 37.00 % MCV – 61.00 fL MCH – 19.40 Pg MCHC – 31.30 g/dl Platelet count – 135000.00 /Cu.mm DIFFERENTIAL COUNT Neutrophils – 52 % Lymphocytes – 43 % Monocytes – 3.00 % Eosinophils – 2.00 % ESR – 4.00 /1st hour. PERIPHERAL SMEAR EXAMINATION RBC’s – Show moderate anisopoikilocytosis, are microcytic hypochromic with few eliptocytes, target cells. WBC’s – Leucocytes are normal in total count and distribution Plateletes – Plateletes are reduced. Macroplateletes noted. Impression – Microcytic hypochromic blood picture with thrombocytopenia. (Kindly correlate with serum iron,TIBC, ferritin and Hb variant analysis [To rule out hemoglobinopathy]) OTHER TESTS – Routine Urine analysis – All values are normal ECG – Normal study X-Ray of chest – PA View – Normal Study MY HABBITS – Non veg 3 days a week Beer – 3 days a week( 700ml per day) drinking since 10 years. Smoking – 12 cigarettes per day (Smoking since 10 years). More Anxiety and less physical activities. Last one year I am inside my house, just for half an hour I go outside in the morning. MY HISTORY AND TESTS DONE EARLIER – History of acidity, constipation and digestion. 9th July 2012 - Haemoglobin electrophoresis suggestive of Homozygous Haemoglobin E disease. 16th October 2012 - Ultrasound of liver – Fatty Liver 18th October 2012 – Liver function test – All values are normal 18th October 2012 – Pulmonary test – Normal spirometery 18th October 2012 – Complete Haemoglobin – Haemoglobin 12.5 gm/dl, WBC – normal in number and morphology, RBC – Anicocytosis with microcytic hypochromic erythrocytes, mild polychromasia, elliptocytes and taget cells, platelets- adequate Please let me know is it very serious and also let me know some medicines and diet... Regards Biman Das
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