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PAST HISTORY : my bilirubin (total) is found 0.97 mg/dl, bilirubin direct is found 0.33 mg/dl, SGOT is found 41 iu/l, SGPT is found 80.9 iu/l, alkaline phosphatase is found 101 iu/l & albumin is found 4.2 gm/dl after going through a liver functioning test. I am very much worried about the SGPT count which came abnormal. i do not take regular alcohol, but i do take some medicines like norflox tz or ciprowin tz whenever i came across stomach upsets. Sir, please suggest me what should i do now and shall it be dangerous that the count came abnormal? please help.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Are you facing any symptoms like itching,fever,any accident you had or any problem with muscle or something or may be any problems with urine.
Although only alcohol can also raise the tests like this,but if you would be facing any symptom then we would get your more further tests to tell you how serious they are.
You don't have to prescribe antibiotics to your self or have them to frequently and also always complete their course whenever you start there course.
How frquently you have alcohol ?
How frequently you have antibiotics ?
Dr. Anand Prakash Rao Ghorpade