I'm 11kgs excess my medical we
  I'm 11kgs excess my medical we

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I'm 11kgs excess my medical weight! I have visited a dietitian recently and I also go to the gym! My gym trainee says, I won't be able to loose the promised weight by my dietitian if I do my gym as I will be building up muscles in the process! What do I do now? Stop the gym? Or the diet??

1 Answers

diet plays a major roll in weight loss.80% of your weight loss depends upon your diet and 20% on exercise.

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I am feeling pain in the right knee joint. the pain is felt starting from lower back spine , then in right kneew joint, then in the muscles below the knee join and in the foot . Also on movement of the knee , bending or unfolding or folding, a sound like tuk is heard. I had an x-ray which is stating that possible loose calcific opacity in the joint. Please let me know is this is a serious problem, can this lead to arthritis or is this the start of the arthritis. Is there any permanenet treament to get rid of this and can this be permanently cured. I am very much worried about the problem, please help me on this. thanks.

  Doctor's Answer

Please Get X ray or MRI of your Lower Back !! will have to clear whether the pain arising is from back and referred to knee and foot, or is solely knee joint pain. when you hear sound like tuk while folding or unfolding ie bending and straightening your knees, that means your popliteus muscle ie behind the knee joint is weak and complete load is taken by the meniscus or ligament supporting the knee. i would advise you 3 things, get mri scan for lower back, strengthen the muscle and ligament of y ...
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Hello i had my no 48 wisdom tooth removed on thursday morning and its been nearly 3 days now. What i wanted to know was i have noticed yesterday and today that the gum which had folded over the extraction site has receeded and left behind a thin white strand of tissue. is this a normal part of the healing process. I am not in any pain and have not smoked since the day of extraction (before). Also i know your advice will be to stop permanently but how long should i wait till i can smoke again

  Doctor's Answer

The tissue tag should resolve in 7-14 days max. rinse with warm water (mix in salt) 3-5 times a day to help keep the wound clean. smoking is a personal choice. IF you truly have NOT smoked post extraction you may start now. ...
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I had my lower impacted wisdom tooth removed 6 days ago under l/a had stitches in. I have been in pain since and it has not subsided but got worse the pain is unbareable and is a throbbing pain. I visited the dentist but she says it's not infected but the pain is in the jaw line And up my cheek. I am taking pain relief every four hours and it is still absolute agony please help....

  Doctor's Answer

Infected wound is reason for pain.Visit your dentist & get the needful done. ...
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My father is 78 years old and has been suffering from constipation for the last 2 years. He has also lost a lot of weight around 10 kgs in this time span. In the last couple of months he has been complaining that his abdominal muscles have torn due to bowel straining and now he says there is loss of muscle in his stomach area. Which is why when he lies down everything is fine but when he sits up and walks around he feels like he is carrying a weight in his stomach. After intake of food it becomes worse and he also gets bloating. We have done all possible tests - colonoscopy, CT scan, ultrasound sometime last year and everything was clear. The doctors gave a verdict of idiopathic constipation and left it at that. His blood work is fine, haemoglobin levels, cholestrol etc. He still suffers from constipation. His prostrate is enlarged but results are fine. What is the solution to his stomach muscle problem ? Is it lack of exercise, lack of protein ? He doesnt have a pot belly and has never had and had always been physically active and fairly slender.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, History told by you favours irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS ). There are two alarming signs in your case : Firstly, loss of weight and that to10kg approx. Secondly, sensation of carrying a weight in stomach. Both of them do occurs in IBS. But to be on safer side,I would suggest you to go for colonoscopy again because it was done 1 yr back and symptoms have aggravated few months back. Treatments available for IBS - - Increase the level of physical activity. - Have regular meals and take t ...
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About 5 years ago I noticed a dramatic reduction of the muscle mass (Muscle atrophy) in my right calf muscle, like 75% to 80% reduction compared to my Left calf Muscle (possible the gastrocnemius), I also noticed that my Achilles is also very loose, when in a relaxed state, compared to the left leg. What could be the possible problems? There is no pain (other than uneasiness like restless leg syndrome) associated with this problem. I do have a lower back problem (damage) that was done 30 years ago to the L4/L5 herniated disk. Now I have noticed that other muscles are starting to harden and reduce like the one did 5 years ago. I went on a 15 mile hike in the mountains this past summer and I am very active during the day. However I do not regularly exercise as I should. Thoughts?

  Doctor's Answer

Hello Sir, You are suffering from myopathy for which a thorough examination needs to be done. Blood tests like Creatine kinase and Electrodiagnostic tests like Electromyography [ E.M.G.] should be done. Nerve conduction studies for the affected limb should be done. Many endocrine disorders can also cause myopathy such as thyroid , parathyroid , adrenal disorders , Diabetes , Vitamin - D deficiency etc. You need to go to your nearest doctor for clinical assessment . Moreover other blood ...
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My father is 78 years old and has been suffering from constipation for the last 2 years. He has also lost a lot of weight around 10 kgs in this time span. In the last couple of months he has been complaining that his abdominal muscles have torn due to bowel straining and now he says there is loss of muscle in his stomach area. Which is why when he lies down everything is fine but when he sits up and walks around he feels like he is carrying a weight in his stomach. After intake of food it becomes worse and he also gets bloating. We have done all possible tests - colonoscopy, CT scan, ultrasound sometime last year and everything was clear. The doctors gave a verdict of idiopathic constipation and left it at that. His blood work is fine, haemoglobin levels, cholestrol etc. He still suffers from constipation. His prostrate is enlarged but results are fine. What is the solution to his stomach muscle problem ? Is it lack of exercise, lack of protein ? He doesnt have a pot belly and has never had and had always been physically active and fairly slender.
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