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PAST HISTORY : I have the 2nd.attack of typhoid within the period of 4 years.The recent one is with dengue.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
You can go for dieting if you have recovered fully,otherwise you will suddenly start feeling weak and will be difficult for you to cope up if your immunity is still low or if you are felling low.
Give your body 4-6 weeks of time after the disease has finished.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
My query regarding dark circles have not been answered. Pl. reply.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
One of the common reasons to dark circles is that if you don't sleep well or if you are taking to much stress, then you will have to improve that,then second common cause correctable cause is anemia if your haemoglobin level is low then you will also have to improve that to remove under eye circles.
Otherwise you can have one capsule vitamin complex daily and also you can use under eye creams which are available under many brands including loreal and vlcc so you may use many if there none of the factors i told you then the dark circles should get light in 1-2 months.