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PAST HISTORY : my pelvic ultrasound report is normal.. nothing abnormality detected
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Ashokarishta is a herbal medicine given to ladies who have excess bleeding during their periods.The symptoms you are facing can not be due the medicine that you are taking,it usually can happen that after excessive bleeding the periods might not come for around a month or two due to hormonal imbalance,then at such a time we will have to give you hormonal drugs which can cause with drawl bleeding.(since you have already told that your tvs reports are normal and your husband is not there with you so it should be some hormonal cause to it only)
Has this happened before that your periods have stopped suddenly for months,if yes how many times and for how long ?
Do you have any child or did you face any complication during child birth or during feeding ?
you will have to visit a gynecologist for complete examination and a few tests may be done and then she will prescribe you with drugs to get your with drawl bleed.(or your periods)
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
can u please tell me about gynecure capsules... can i take it to regularize periods...
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Gynecure capsules are herbal Ayurvedic capsules and I have never went into a lot of detail about them as it is not related to my field.
These capsules are usually prescribed for 3-4 months,one capsule twice a day or may be more dose depending on your examination done by an Ayurvedic doctor.
But I would still tell you to visit a gynecologist for this particular issue you are facing.