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PAST HISTORY : I had a fnac test done and pus was aspirated. Dr says that I have a mild tuberculosis. But the swell on the is still, I was suspected thyroid n now Tb.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
I got fnac test after the advise from endocrinologist. He is out of town so not able to show him the report. I dont know whether I have Tb or it is just an infection.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
My main concern is the swell on my neck and drastic loss of my weight. Please respond fast.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
There would have been a lot of questions i would have liked to ask you like from which site of the body was fnac done or which were the lymph nodes which are enlarged.
But i suggest lymph nodes in your neck were probably enlarged that is why doctor suspected tuberculosis and we see a lot of weight loss in tuberculosis and you mentioned that point in your history,although there have to be a lot of points which needs to be checked before concluding to a diagnosis.
Do you have fever,how much is the average temprature if you montor temp.
Do you have cough,whether any sputum or not ?
What are the other symptoms you are facing ?
You should go to an md medicine or internal medicine specialist,no need to go to an endocrinologist or an ent specialist.