Topics Lymph nodes
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Lymph nodes

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CT SCAN REPORT: ** Bilateral Panacina and Para septal bullous emphysema. ** Mild basal subpleural intertitial thickening with few small reative mediastinal nodes suggesting chronic interstitial pneumonia.

Hi, The report of ct-scan does not suggest that he is serious,although he can be serious with the same report and he might be he might be doing well with the same report and there are multiple things i(doctor) have to see before i can comment over some one's life.Overall emphysema is a long term illness and would not reverse but i have seen patients with emphysema live a very long life with drugs which they require for their respiratory disease.You just have to take care about his respiratory ...

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I have a swell in my lymph nodes. Is it better to see an ent specialist or tuberculosis dr?

Hi, There would have been a lot of questions i would have liked to ask you like from which site of the body was fnac done or which were the lymph nodes which are enlarged. But i suggest lymph nodes in your neck were probably enlarged that is why doctor suspected tuberculosis and we see a lot of weight loss in tuberculosis and you mentioned that point in your history,although there have to be a lot of points which needs to be checked before concluding to a diagnosis. Do you have fever,how much i ...

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Hard swollen submandibular lymph nodes on both sides of my jaw. There is a couple of small ones too & also a couple smaller ones on one side of my neck. Also small sores in my mouth which might be healing . What can this be its been about 3 weeks ? Oh & I'm 18 by the way I have smoked previously in my life.

Swollen submandibular glands may be due to an oral infection, possibly odontogenic in origin. You are advised to take an OPG(Orthopantograph) for diagnosing the source of infection. This may also be due to FAscial Space Infection. ...

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hi i have two hard lymph in my lower right neck for more than two years. i alway take homeopathy medicine but it can not be cure please suggest medicine for me

Enlarged non tender lymph glands raise suspicion.A thorough medical history,with attention to rate of growth of nodes,unexplained fatigue ,loss of appetite,any h/o of cough,or suspicious X-Ray,a complete haemogram is neccessary.If need be excision and biopsy are important. ...

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I have burning and itching in the veins of my neck, mostly on left side, and some slightly enlatged lymph nodes. the burning sensation travels across my head and under my arms, i have been having anxiety attacks. 45 years old, female. under severe stress.

though anxiety can produce the symptoms you have experienced,local skin allergy can produce itching.Regarding lymph nodes--if painless and not enlarging,could be result of local allergic skin reaction.If painful, it could be from some infection.You may have to suitable antibiotics. Try anti anxiety medications also because it can produce all of your symptoms. ...

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I have swollen lymph nodes in my groin area I got it checked out today and the doc said i dont need antibiotics cause its not an infection he siad to wait 3 weeks and come back but I dnt want to wait should I be worried about this? and what could cause it he said a cut in the leg or something but I havent had a cut I heard it could be from smoking weed but ive smoked alot scince I was 13 and im 18 almost 19 help please

swollen lymph node if it is not increasing in size and not painful itmay subside on its own check the related area testicles,legs front and back any bruise or infection ,your sexual life,get blood test done your WBC, Lymphocytes,give lot of information stop smoking weed one cause for leukemia ,make many healthy changes in your life before it is too late you will be reborn still your very young. ...

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Can I have dental treatment & related antibiotics if prescribed by dentist while I am consuming AKT4 tablets for lymph node TB? I have a rear tooth partially broken in last year but that was not paining but now it has started to pain so I need to consult a dentist.

Medications have to be prescribed based on the duration of the TB tablets you are taking.Kindly consult a dentist in person for further suggestion. We need more investigations with clinical examination to decide upon treatment. ...

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I had surgery last year of one of my breast and lymph nodes were removed and completes chemotherapy and now doctor prescribed hormonal capsules for 5 years. Firstly pain started in one of my arm (lower portion) and now thumb and fingers. Its burning sensation. could bear sometimes. Now In both arm have pain. Where should I proceed now ? please guide

Arm pain over the operated side could be due to lymphedema which is swelling secondary to lymph node removal. However, pain and burning sensation over both arms and fingers cannot be explained. You need a complete evaluation including physical examination and radiological tests, especially with a past history of hormone-positive breast cancer. You can get in touch with me for the same. ...

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Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Krupesh Rajani

  • Dentist
  •  Navsari, India
  •  163 Doc Points

Dr. Parth Mankad

  • Homeopathist
  •  Ahmedabad, India
  •  437 Doc Points

Dr. Sanjay Pandey

  • Homeopathist
  •  Kolkata, India
  •  250 Doc Points

Dr. Jowin J William

  • Homeopathist
  •  Navi Mumbai, India
  •  122 Doc Points

Dr. Samir Nayyar

  • Dentist
  •  Jalandhar, India
  •  119 Doc Points

Dr. Parth Shah

  • Dentist
  •  Surat, India
  •  119 Doc Points

Dr. Harikrishnan Vannadil

  • Opthalmologist
  •  Hyderabad, India

Dr. shyamala R.KOPP

  • General Physician
  •  Gokak, India
  •  175 Doc Points

Dr. Balbir Singh Suri

  • Homeopathist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  273 Doc Points