Total Views: 1879
Dr. Harikrishnan Vannadil answered : 11 years ago
The lymph node size and pain matters for expert opinion. Since a doctor has said you dont need antibiotics means the lymphnodes are insignificant. Dont think about it. It should subside automatically. You might have had a boil or something in your leg which you didnt notice even. And for a healthy start, you should try stopping the Weed.
Dr. shyamala R.KOPP answered : 11 years ago
swollen lymph node if it is not increasing in size and not painful itmay subside on its own check the related area testicles,legs front and back any bruise or infection ,your sexual life,get blood test done your WBC, Lymphocytes,give lot of information stop smoking weed one cause for leukemia ,make many healthy changes in your life before it is too late you will be reborn still your very young.