I constantly feel heaviness in
  I constantly feel heaviness in

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I constantly feel heaviness in the front & back of head with dizziness.. I also get pain on the right side of the head. My sleep is also disturbed & I get scary dreams. Kindly help as the heaviness & dizziness is not allowing me to lead a normal life. (I'm 18 weeks pregnant)

PAST HISTORY : Hypothyroid & cervical spondolysis.

3 Answers


Did you have any kind of migraine before pregnancy,blood pressure problem,or sinus congestion ?

Did you have any breathing difficulty before pregnancy,and what about it now(do you face any respiratory distress now )

Usually initially in pregnancy due to hormonal changes brought due to progesterone, there can be severe headache dizziness and vomiting. These are a part of symptoms that occur as changes initially. However you are now into second trimester and the symptoms should have finished by now.

Are you taking medicines for your thyroid status ?
Usually don't have to take an aggressive course of treatment in pregnancy. You just have to avoid or follow some basic steps

1) Eat well and have a good meal at shorter intervals,don't keep yourself hungry between meals for a long interval
2) Have plenty of rest
3) Avoid standing for long periods. If you must stand, make sure that you keep your feet moving to help increase circulation
4) Get up slowly from either sitting or lying down (This is very important when you are getting out of the bath)
5) Avoid lying on your back once you reach the middle of your second trimester
6) Wear loose, comfortable clothing to avoid restricting circulation
7) Avoid smoking,keep your sinus problems or any problem like hypothyroid status corrected
8) Have open air or through windows and a proper ventilation
9) Avoid late night stuff and stress and have a relaxed lifestyle

For cervical spondylitis -
1) Try and keep your neck straight and don't strain your neck
2) Keep single firm pillow for night time sleep
3) Doing low-impact aerobic exercises such as swimming or walking
4) You may take a pain killer,but to regularly is a problem,you can also us muscle relaxants at local site or you can use hot and cold water at local site.

Feel free to ask further questions.

Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago

I had migraine before pregnancy when I use to be on the computer, read or watch t.v for long. I also had low BP before pregnancy (not below (90/60) I had ear infection twice & also sinus congestion 2-3 times a year & was treated for with homoeopathy medicines. I only had shortness of breath while climbing stairs but had skipped beats in the chest every 2 months before pregnancy. During pregnancy the skipped beats were more in the first 3 month of pregnancy. I didn't feel much dizziness & headache but I was feeling weak, Had low BP & skipped beats in the throat & chest in the first 3 months of pregnancy. I"m on thyronorm 100mg - Mon to Fri & 50mg on Sat & Sun. My dizziness, Neck stiffness & headache was less when I stared with physiotherapy for my neck (Neck exercises) stem inhalation & breathing exercises. But I tend to bend my neck forward while on the computer, reading & while cooking so the stiffness & dizziness gets worse. I'm using a cervical pillow for side sleeping & using cold compress & pain calm oil on my neck & shoulders on alternate days. Since 1 week I have started yoga (3 times a week) & I also walk for 15-20 mins (5 times a week) I'm a bit stressed & don't get sleep early at night. I got to sleep by 1am & I don't get peaceful sleep.


You are having multiple problems all together whose probable cause might be allergy due to which you have sinus congestion and breathlessness once in a while. Right now the season for bronchitis is going on and whose usual cause is viral infection related,and should go off by itself(if you don't have sounds while deep breathing like whistling sounds)then problem should go off.

You will have to keep your things like cervical spondylosis and thyroid under control cause they will only aggravate your problem. Missed beats is a serious condition by self and I find it rare that you were actually diagnosed with it. I think it can be the sinking feeling or low b.p which gives you that feeling.(the lethargic feeling in your body may be due to your thyroid,which should improve as soon as your thyroid comes down to around 2-3 mark)

You should also improve your b.p status. Following might be helpful

1) Have plenty of water with a little added salt in your diet
2) Have around 4-5 small meals in your eating than having 2-3 heavy meals
3) Have plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables
4) Wear tight stockings
5) You should control your stress levels,if you are having a lot of stress levels exercise,yoga,good diet all will help you,and also you should not suffer from sinus problem or any breathing difficult these all problem will help you.
you should have a good sleep,you might have to change your schedules with a lot of pressure initially,but that would be helpful in long run.

Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago

Maybe I have a sinus congestion, I get headache & feel dizzy too, I don't know what is causing it, sinus or neck! Also my lymph node on the right side of my neck @ inches above my collar bone gets constantly swollen since the past 2 years, At times it is painful, but I also have more pain & stiffness on the right side of my neck & shoulder because of cervical spondolysis. My thyroid is under control. I forgot to mention one more thing. I have a pineal cyst 8mm x 8mm (MRI scan 2011) I have been checking it since 2 years on MRI, Last years report they have not mentioned the size, But the Doctor said nothing about it. I consulted 3-4 Neuro surgeon's but all said the report is normal & If it grows in size or gives me constant headaches with vomiting I should be concerned. I was wondering if that can cause any problems! I went for an eye routine check up today to see if my vision has increased. At present the number has not increased but the Doctor suspects Right eye glaucoma. (I have bluish-black spots on the inside & outside surrounding area of my right eye) It has been there since birth. She advised me to do a perimetry test for both eyes next week. Right now she gave me latoprost RT & Tear drop eyedrops. I wanted to know if these eyedrops are safe to use during pregnancy? Is glaucoma a serious condition? I"m worried as I'm just 29 & having so many health issues.


If you are a mouth breather and have chronic nose blockage or chronic pain at forehead or at maxilla(cheeks) most common sinus location then probably you have sinus congestion. These are all probabilities as I have not examined you and there can be multiple causes or else diagnosis once you have been examined.

If you feel dizziness once you are moving your neck,or if you have pain or stiffness in moving the the shoulder or neck you might be having symptoms due to cervical spondylosis. Stiffness is an important feature and if stiffness is increasing then don't make it late in contacting an orthopaedician. However usually these symptoms improve in pregnancy.

These symptoms can also be due to pineal gland enlargement,if nothing is proved then you will made to do another c.t scan which will show the position of your pineal gland,however you right now have such a common symptom of headache proved glaucoma and drugs given by your doctor can be safely given in pregnancy. I hope drug give is in form of eye drop.however you should get tests told to you by your doctor as these may not be good for very long term use.
swollen lymph glands can have multiple causes.

1) If you have any dental infection then get it cleaned
2) Due to respiratory infection(viral,bacterial,t.b)
This would require a detailed examination and then accordingly investigation but above two are most common causes.

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Please Get X ray or MRI of your Lower Back !! will have to clear whether the pain arising is from back and referred to knee and foot, or is solely knee joint pain. when you hear sound like tuk while folding or unfolding ie bending and straightening your knees, that means your popliteus muscle ie behind the knee joint is weak and complete load is taken by the meniscus or ligament supporting the knee. i would advise you 3 things, get mri scan for lower back, strengthen the muscle and ligament of y ...
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Try with some good physio therapist ,with CPM and manual therapy skills. ...
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it seems you have a predominantly ear based infection. visit and ENT ASAP on an emergency basis. ...
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why don't u meet a better ent surgeon ...
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