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PAST HISTORY : High blood pressure
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
It's my second pregnancy I have 9 years old son. I have history of iregular periods and was diagonsed PCOD earlier. Thats why I didn't think I was pregnant. I did a test in april and it was negative so conception has happened somewhere towards late april/early may. I want to have a second baby but wanted to weigh any risks attached to having meprate. I took meprate during 5th/6th week of pregnancy. Pl. suggest. Ultrasound on 7th week shows everything normal . I am overweight as well 96 kgs... I had a normal first pregnancy, it was a ceasarian and I was 84 kgs then
Dr. Ritu Sethi answered : 12 years ago
Meprate is safe if taken accidentally for missing periods to get the menses.It has no side effects on the pregnancy.
Being overweight in pregnancy can have its own side effects ,so you should consult a dietician for your diet so that there are no side effects of excessive weight gain.Also get your blood sugars done to rule out diabetes which is common in someone having PCOS,Diabetes in pregnancy can have its own side effects on the fetus.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Thanks Doc!, just to be sure, I took Meprate 10mg thrice daily for 5 days during 6th week of pregnancy. Searching on net depicts it has harmful effect on genitals of foetus. As you said, there are no side effects so just wanted to be sure. I definetly want to go ahead with my pregnancy... Soory for asking again but just wanted to be 100% sure..
Dr. Ritu Sethi answered : 12 years ago
Meprate ( medroxyprogesterome acetate) is safe if taken accidentally in pregnancy.It is norethindrone( norethisterone ) that has harmful effects of genital organs of the female fetus.
Also,fetal genital organs are affected between 7-9 weeks of pregnancy.
There is no method to know that fetus does not have any congenital malformations.Even ultrasound cannot pick up many congenital malformations which may be due to various reasons