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Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
we cant diclose about pregnamcy so please sujest us????
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Unwanted 72 prevents pregnancy most of the times around 90% times but there can be pregnancy in some cases.
For that you will have to wait for her next periods. If that comes to be normal(in number of days and in her flow) then the chances of pregnancy are nearly zero. Otherwise if the periods are abnormal(very less bleeding or very few days) then she can perform a pregnancy strip test to confirm pregnancy. She even might have withdrawl bleeding with these drugs,but these will not be her normal periods. She will know about her normal date(when her periods come every month those periods are to be noted whether they are normal or abnormal).
Even if she gets pregnant then also there are many possible ways to get pregnancy aborted with both drugs and surgically .
Feel free to ask further questions.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Thanks doctor for ur suggestion after that date on which we were together i.e on 8th feb today on 14th feb she got her periods so is it a good sighn for the possibillity of not getting pregnent and please sujjest me the medicine which are available in the market for the abortion purpose if she gets pregnent then i can give her after performing pregnancy strip test Thanks & Regards Rajiv Prasad
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Drugs available for abortion are not available for over the counter purpose,they can be prescribed only by a gynaecologist..
I hope the periods were her normal(regular) periods cause only then it is a matter of relief.