Total Views: 18919
PAST HISTORY : gynologist
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
expected date of periods is usually delay about 7 days..her perivious date was 3 jan 2013 and we had sex on 3 rd feb..and within 15 hours she take a tablet of unwanted not still come ...she take a dose of mifepristone and 2nd dose take after 48 hour bt periods had not come
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
and she take orally mifepristone and after48 hours mesoprostole,pain start bt not period come still,there is no any symptomps of hedch or bomating tendency,or loose motion etc.....
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
There were a certain points which were a little unclear,how many times was urine pregnancy test negative and when. After how many days was it done importantly and when was it done last(date of urine pregnancy test).
If urine pregnancy test is negative then there is no point why any gynaec would prescribe you mifepristone. The drug prescribed should not have been prescribed to you at least without confirming pregnancy by a urine pregnancy test and an ultrasound.
The drug mifepristone is effective only if pregnancy is intrauterine and which can be confirmed only after an ultrasound.
There are no fixed symptoms of pregnancy.
I would recommend you to get another urine pregnancy if the first test was done in intial phases only. Also you should get an ultrasound to look for any pregnancy whether intra uterine or extra uterine or any other problem.
There can be multiple hormonal causes why periods are not coming and can be prescribed with hormonal pills to get withdrawal bleed,but only by a gynaecologist after examination.