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PAST HISTORY : i don get my period
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
The tablets you are having for withdrawal bleed are you taking them regularly or did you take them just this time because your bleeding did not occur normally,if you have taken just this time then usually the bleeding will occur only after 5-10 days of finishing such tablets(because you already have had a withdrawal bleed also).
When did you do a urine pregnancy test ?
are your periods otherwise irregular ?
These drugs(unwanted 72) are notorious for this thing of disturbing your periodic cycle,and that is why should be avoided as long as possible
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Thanks for reply, tablets i am taking for bleeding, i am taking just this time. and my periods are not irregular. i did pregnancy test after 10 days missed my periods. and this is not my first time i had unwanted 72. i took this before also but didn't face this kind of problem.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
The day you must have finished your tablets for bringing periods,the periods will come around 5-10 days after the last day you had your tablets.
Unwanted 72 is a hormonal drug and and it is not neccesary that it will disturb your cycle at one go,that depends from person to persons hormonal structure how your body reacts to those drugs but if taken plenty of times they can cause you hormonal imbalance and should be avoided as much as possible.