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Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
No none of these symptoms can be due to masturbation and with the number of times you masturbate this is absolutely within healthy limits.
The symptoms can be due to wrong position in sitting you might have devloped some problem in back and because of which you might be devloping these symptoms .
You should not have any problems in sexual intercourse due to this problem.
Try improving your sitting position or try to have better position to sit or do work if you have a computer or desk job.
Get your bp checked and if these symptoms are since long or continue for long then you will have to be investigated further for the cause of the disease.
Kindly describe more detailed history like problems aggrivate with something or are there any relieving factors or may be more symptoms,and about job profile.
Since how long are you facing these symptoms ?
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
I'm facing this problems since more than 6 months. When i read something in a moving car or bus i get that pain,since the vehicle shakes while going in a road. I dont know you understood where i get that pain exactly. That pain occurs backside of head inside. (i.e. above neck) It seems like some nerves joint there. i dont know exactly.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Any one would have problem while reading in a moving vehicle and people can feel pain due to trying to over concentrate.
I am getting your point.
If you are so concious about this then we can get an mri done but before that try improve your sitting position,get your vision checked,get your b.p and rbs checked and tell me if any problem.
What is your job profile ?
Any other aggrivating or relieving factor.