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Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Women take time to get aroused and the pain is more on inserting a finger in vagina intially, because your vagina is dry (because of lack lubrication beacause of lack of secreations). You should take time to involve in fore play first,so that you get a little wet or aroused before you can actually involve in sex.
You can also use a lubricated condom which might help you on having sex intially. Most females feel pain because of inflamation,infection of genital or urinarytract(which is very commonly seen),because you are also having your partners commensal bacteria in your genitals now so that is also possible(do you have burning micturition,or any kind of secreation) .
Have plenty of water(2-3 l of water) which will help you flush your system,which might also help you reduce your symptoms. Keep your and do advice your partner to keep the area clean and dry so as reduce chances of infection.
You may visit a gynaecologist for examination.
Feel free to ask more questions.