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PAST HISTORY : Till 2011 I had not medical issues, but now a days I normally get fungal infection at my genital area especially when I am about to get my periods.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
The drug you told me is given for fungal infection and not genital psoriasis,if the same lotion also prescribed to you then you are been given treatment for some fungal infection and not psoriasis.
Genital psoriasis occurs more frequently in people who wear tight dresses like tight skin hugging jeans,or undergarments,or people who sweat a lot.
Usually any fungal infection or psoriasis does not effect your sex life and these are treatable diseases,however both can reoccur ,although causes of both diseases are different.
1) Do you have any burning micturition
2) Do you have any discharge,if yes what color and if any smell
3) What kind of rash do you have(most common is red dry smooth rash seen in outer border of vagina)
4) Skin itching or inflammation or pain in that area
5) What is the site involved,most common site of psoriasis is vulva(outer part of vagina)
6)Are your periods regular,if no what is the problem ?
You may up load photos to website(your question) of the area involved then it will be a little easy to tell you about infection.
Common causes of recurrence
1) Diabetes
2) Excess corticosteroid or antibiotics
3) Any debilitating medical illness,is any of there to you,then that has to be treated along.
for now follow the following advices
1) Wear loose cotton clothes(don't try and wear tight dressing),if that is your duty then you may change clothes in between your duty
2) Have plenty of water
3) Keep area dry and clean(regular bathing and other clean menstrual habits should be followed)
4) Avoid to much of stress
5) Avoid scratching in that area,will lead to spread of infection
6) Avoid oily diet and do regular aerobic exercise