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PAST HISTORY : severe asthma since i was 2. 4 strokes at the age of 31 left me with chronic pain and no feeling on my left side... equelibreum issues and poor eyesight. had a lower back fusion last year as well as a hysterectomy,
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Since you have had history of stroke and asthma, it makes you prone to respiratory infections,so it could just be a infection. But that will have to be investigated as to how much and which site of your body do you have an infection.
You will have to provide me a little more detail.
1. Do you have any problem in breathing or nasal difficulty or cough except for asthma ?
2. Do you have any problem in urine or stools ?
- Have plenty of water
- You can have a nsaids for pain
- You should have an antibiotic for infection(which depends upon site of infection)
- Keep your asthma and rest chronic illnesses under control,that will make you less prone for infections
or any other problem please do mention.
Further test will also depend on the site of infection.
Few investigations for now
- Complete blood picture and many more tests are needed but you will have to provide me with your details
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
I have not had cough or nasal difficulty.. every so often i have issues breathing but i shrug it off to be my asthma. I drink lots of water but still feel dehydrated. I do have the runs maybe 2 times a week other than I am normal. I saw my dr today and he took blood but said he thinks it may be mild flue... i think not. ... I have had the flue before and none of these symptoms were there,. also I am wondering if this may be related to my strokes? it is a long shot. I had a severed right vertebral artery that clotted and caused them.. but the cause of that was someone smashing my head against the wall. recently i was in car accident ,and my head hit the side window... my sleeping got worse after that... wondering if it may be related?
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
I don't think these symptoms are because of any accident in which your head hit a window. That is difficult and it seems to be some kind of an infection only and usually the viral infection heals up automatically in around 5-6 days.
They can be of multiple types and and at times they can be very serious,in which your sleep might be affected too.
But wait for blood tests they would tell you something about your health further,and if your health does not improve then you may go for further test which might include a CT scan too. But wait for your doctor to advice it as you might be a little anxious about your health and your doctor would be telling you the best.
Feel free to ask further question.