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PAST HISTORY : The ultrasound result for my expecting wife at 17 weeks and six days is as follows. Placenta: Fundo posterior; Maturity grade:0; FHR: 144 b/mt; BPD: 40mm(corresponding to 18 weeks 1 day); HC:145mm(corresponding to 17weeks 5 day); AC: 123mm(corresponding to 18 weeks 4 day) and FL: 24mm(corresponding to 17 weeks 3 day); Cervical length:4.4cm.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
The ultrasound report only tells about the well ness of baby and various parameteres of the health of the baby like the height,the diameter,heart rate and expected age of baby and in which position is baby there inside the uterus and not the sex of the baby,if it would have been there even you could have read that but in india it is illegal to determine the sex of the child(it is a punishable offence to the doctor).