can i take vigra with losatran
  can i take vigra with losatran

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can i take vigra with losatran potassium

PAST HISTORY : blood pressure

1 Answers


You are already hypertensive and these drugs are to be avoided in hypertensive people,can be given only after complete heart check up and that to under controlled doses.
So don't have the drug without consulting an internal medicine specialist.

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Matching Already Answered Queries

My mother is 75 yrs old and she regularly complains of pain in her joints for the the last 3-4 years.she has normal blood pressure and is not diabetic.kindly advise any blood tests and medications for her ?

  Doctor's Answer

Dear patient Your mother is suffering from post - menopausal senile osteoporosis. her bones have become weak due to deficiency of calcium and vitamin D. this usually occurs in old age and after menopause.get the following investigations done: dexa bone scan , vitamin D level , blood calcium , complete haemogram and blood urea.Consult a orthopaedic surgeon who will advise you medications according to your test reports. ...
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I have been prescribed 5mg of Lexapro ( name brand) one time daily. I have noticed that my heart rate and blood pressure is normal when sitting or laying down but ( 118-70, 76) and jumps up a lot when I stand ( 136/89, 134) Could this be because of the medication? If so is this something that will go away after awhile or do I need to change medications.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, The drug you are taking is from SSRI group(selective serotonin receptor inhibitor group) which is the latest group to be added in depression and has less side effects as compared to other groups given in depression . Although there are many side effects but you are specifically asking me about heart rate and blood pressure. Usually the blood pressure should not rise specifically on standing as the gravity occurs and usually the blood pressure falls down a little. The heart rate can increa ...
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Need an monthly check up package for cholesterol. Doctors has mentioned that bcs of cholesterol and less exercise i got blood pressure. I am doing walking / exercise from last one year still i see the same with blood pressure. is there way to become normal ?

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, When you started having amalog (probably amlodipine),I suppose,and till now you have not shown any kind of improvement ,which means higher doses should also be started. This is very true that you have very high triglyceride levels,which can also lead you to have insulin resistance in future,which is not good for you and can also make it difficult to reduce your b.p,what your doctor also says. If your b.p is not reduced generally you will have to reduce your cholesterol levels also may be ...
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i am 35 year old male ,i have a high blood pressure of 146/80, start nebicip 5mg.after 1 year i have started eldervit zc and bizfer(iron tablet) for vitamin deficiency with vitamin d, i am facing erectile suggest cause and remedy.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Breast pain or nipple pain if no injury and no lump then alcohol is also a common cause for that. Avoid it for a few days. Telma is good and has no side effects. Regarding erectile dysfunction,most of the men at some point feel that they are facing erectile dysfunction,but this is a temporary phase and should go in most people. Just follow all the things I have told you. Have your deficient vitamins,good diet and partner support is very necessary. You may like to have a leave and destress ...
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hi, I am 26 year old male.My heart pulse rate is 100 bpm at rest, blood pressure range from 120-136/80-90, when high blood pressure I have pain behind eye and headache. I also feel chest tightness sometime. when I walk or do physical activity I can feel slight breath. From recent blood work my chelostorel is 245. what could be the problem?

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, You should try to lower it right now with diet first for 3-4 months. If no effects are seen then you may go on with drugs for this(raised cholesterol). Your blood pressure is not high otherwise it is just a little raised for your age. As soon as your cholesterol comes down your b.p will also reduce. If you have chest tightness,it can also be due to allergy(asthma). If you want to go for further test there are many tests but for now probably ECG is enough for you. if that is normal you don ...
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