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PAST HISTORY : I’m 30 years old male. I got food poison and I was under the treatment for acid reflux. I was cured and now I feel a small bubble/pimple at the edge of anal edge and the skin is bulging outside during bowel movement. I have doubt -- it is piles(anal fissure) or not. I have 5feet 7 inch height. Before one year I was 54Kg weight and now 48Kg only. I know according to BMI I was on underweight.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
I am not sure what is your query,what are the symptoms you are facing please describe them in detail.
Are you having any constipation or passing hard stools ?
Is something coming out of your anal orifice when you go to pass stools ?
What is the color of your stools ?
Is there any blood passing through anal orifice ?
Since how long are you having this problem ?
If there is some infection only then metrogyl will work otherwise,it will be of no benefit in anal fissure and anal fissure can't be felt.
If you want to gain weight then have high calorie food or diet at small intervals have meal at least 5 times a day and have high calorie diet including cheese,icecreams,shakes,juices and also have a high protein diet anad may also join a gym they will also help you gain body mass.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Sir, These are the symptoms. 1) I have constipation/some times hard stools. 2) Something coming out from anal orifice when go to pass stools and at the edge of anal orifice there is a small pimple/bubble also seen from last two weeks. 3) Stool color is normal/sometimes black. 4) No blood passing. Since two months I am having the problem. Is there any ointment for anal fissure?.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
You have constipation and dark black stools that can be related but if you have something coming out of anal orifice then you should visit a genral surgeon for that.
For constipation or for anl fissure you can have syrup lactulose 2tsf in night and you can also apply lignocaine local jelly around anal orifice to reduce pain but if something iscoming out of anus please visit a genral surgeon.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Sir, Thanks for your support...