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PAST HISTORY : had tentex forte and mentat from himalaya herbals for 3 months last year.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
.I am facing this problem for last 10 years and happening 3-5 times a week.Is there any remedy to completely recover from this problem. Because of this wetdream my body weight is 52 kg.My age is 28 and height is 165cm.please provide some madicine to increase my body weight also.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Is there any issue while getting married with this problem.(night fall)
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
As you said that you are having this problem for a pretty long time, I have to say that it is important for you to know what exactly is night fall. Night fall is a problem which is faced more by men. The reason is that in females the secretion is too less for them to realize that they had a night fall. Males mostly have this problem in their teenage.The problem may be as infrequent to once in two months and to as frequent as once in every second day.
Well there is no sure shot cure for it but I would recommend you to try masturbate it by yourself so that you don't have a night fall . You can get married while having this problem. You should try and remain focussed for rest of the day when you are awake and should not use erotic material in any form that would sexually excite you. So try and avoid that. You should also avoid getting a full bladder and empty your bladder before you feel a very strong urge to urinate. This problem is also in people sleeping late till morning, so try to have a better schedule which is sleeping and getting on time to avoid the problem.
Drugs are not recommended initially for weight gain. You should start with diet which are rich in nuts, shakes, vegetables which should help you increase your weight.In addition to this you can also try a little muscle building exercise to help you gain weight.
Feel free to ask any other question.