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Stop activity

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hi i have a female friend , she used to to smoke Hookah tobacco for 3 months then suddenly she stopped smoking , now she feels heart pain (heart beats faster ), chest pain (hard to breath and some timed coughs blood ) and back pain when she went to the hospital the doctor said you must stop smoking hookah gradually not stop suddenly so what do u recommend and is it true that this is the only solution for this problem ? or is there some kind of pills or medical solution? i don't her to smoke again cause if she tries again she may be addicted again to hookah tobacco so please i want a better solution then this solution

Hi, Since you have not told me about the age of the patient ,with only history available that she was a smoker,following might be the causes - - Bronchitis - Brochiectasis - Lung carcinoma - Pneumonia For all of these you will have to leave smoking.You may quit smoking suddenly but doctors at might not recommend it because this might suddenly lead to dropping of hormone levels in blood which might cause depression. For knowing about the exact cause about the disease, I will have to know ...

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hi, I am 26 year old male.My heart pulse rate is 100 bpm at rest, blood pressure range from 120-136/80-90, when high blood pressure I have pain behind eye and headache. I also feel chest tightness sometime. when I walk or do physical activity I can feel slight breath. From recent blood work my chelostorel is 245. what could be the problem?

Hi, You should try to lower it right now with diet first for 3-4 months. If no effects are seen then you may go on with drugs for this(raised cholesterol). Your blood pressure is not high otherwise it is just a little raised for your age. As soon as your cholesterol comes down your b.p will also reduce. If you have chest tightness,it can also be due to allergy(asthma). If you want to go for further test there are many tests but for now probably ECG is enough for you. if that is normal you don ...

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i am 35 year old and since few days i am feeling weak in sexual activity. like early discharge, not proper intercourse with partner. so what i shd do.

how can you attribute "feeling weak" to early discharge and not proper(regular?) intercourse with partner? BE happy! ...

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I have a sever acne pimples on my upper arms and back, so to treat it i was prescribed to use persol forte cream.I am using it since 1 month and have caused skin darkning in this areas,can u suggest me wether i should continue using it or stop its use.And i wanted to know that would this dark skin get peeled off after i stop using it and in how much time!!

Hello, Well Persol Forte cream works quite well for Body Acne. It causes mild skin darkening and flaking but this usually corrects in a few days time. Instead of using it on a daily basis I would suggest using it only when you have active pimples - for a few days till they clear. Use a 2.5 or 5% Benzoyl Peroxide soap or body wash while bathing on a daily basis to prevent new pimples. This should be lathered onto the body, left on for 5-10 minutes and then washed off. Please note that the infor ...

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Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Vivek Nair

  • Dermatologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  845 Doc Points

Dr. Darshan Parikh

  • Dentist
  •  Pune, India
  •  126 Doc Points

Dr. Alok Kalyani

  • Rheumatologist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  455 Doc Points

Dr. Samir Nayyar

  • Dentist
  •  Jalandhar, India
  •  119 Doc Points

Dr. Vinod Chebbi

  • Sexual Health Medicine
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  272 Doc Points

Dr. Kinjal Shah

  • Homeopathist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  123 Doc Points


  • Dentist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  219 Doc Points

Dr. G Rao

  • Pediatrician
  •  Hyderabad, India
  •  109 Doc Points

Dr. Isha Deshmukh

  • Pediatrician
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  351 Doc Points
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