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Reflexology bach flower therapy

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my age is 22. can my hight be increase by any hormone replacement therapy? if yes then what will be the cost?

Hi, Yes you can increase height,but the amount benefit you get will be dependent whether you are deficient of hormone which increases height(growth hormone). If yes then then benefit would be good and if no then the benefit would be less. Growth hormone single shot costs somewhere around 700-1000 rs and how long treatment is given would be dependent on your tests . ...

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how sucessfull is stem cell therapy in diabetes

Hi, The treatment is mostly succesful in type 2 diabetes which you are suffering from(usually reserved for people in whom the sugar is not controlled by drugs and disease is chronic - you did not tell me anything about this point whether you are controlled on medicines or not.),but it will have to be confirmed by tests that you don't have any auto antibodies which means antibodies against your own cells. But the treatment is still not advocated commonly. ...

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she dont want surgical joint replacement due to her age.But need some therapy to relieve pain.Is ozone injection is the best ?

Hi, Viscosupplementation can be done for osteoarthritis of knees . It has good results. Injections are given in knee joints which increase the lubrication of joints . This helps to relieve pain . Consult your orthopedic surgeon for this therapy . Feel free to ask any questions. ...

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Hello I m 19 yr old and im suffering from stomach cancer from 4 months and I hv done with 6 cemos and 2 radiation therapy but then also my cancer is increasing so what can I do plz tell me.

Hello, I will require more details about the your stomach cancer and treatment received till date, including the chemotherapy and radiotherapy part. Only after studying them I can advise you further. ...

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I m 23 years old. I have muscular pain since 6 years. I had all types of test. M.R.I, X-rays etc. i had consult all types of doctors. Done physio therapy. Take hundreds of medicines but no effect. Pain increases to its extream in winter. I m so hopless. People afraid me by saying that this pain will never leave you. Plz help me. I m very disheart.

you probably have fibromyalgia and need a consultation a good rheumatologist. after confirming your diagnosis you may be helped by certain medications. i have a different approach to this problem and have successfully treated such patients with ESWT( shock wave therapy). do not get disheartened as there is always a way out. pl see my website www.**url** ...

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It is my contention that rheumatoid arthritis is either caused by a potassium deficiency or is greatly enabled by one (Potassium in the etiology of rheumatoid arthritis and heart infarction. 1974 Journal of Applied Nutrition. 26; p40. ) (Potassium deficiency as a cause of rheumatoid arthritis. 2000 Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients. 208; 74-76. ) ( ). Dr. Reza Rastmanesh has performed a clinical trial that establishes this (Rastmanesh R. 2008 A pilot study of potassium supplementation in treatment of hypokalemic patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A randomized, double-blinded placebo controlled trial. The Journal of Pain. 9, issue 8; 722-731. ). Potassium should be automatically prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis because getting potassium up to normal from the low values in all RA patients (LaCelle PL et al 1964 An investigation of total body potassium in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Proceedings Ann. Meeting of the Rheumatism Association, Arthritis & Rheumatism 7; 321 ) (Sambrook PN, Ansell BM, Foster S, Gumpel JM, Hesp R, Reeve J, Zanelli JM 1985 Bone turnover in early rheumatoid arthritis. 1. Biochemical and kinetic indexes. Ann Rheum Dis. Sep;44(9):575-9. ) is slow, even with a high unprocessed vegetable diet. There are tasty foods that are especially rich in potassium ( ). However it is important that thiamin (vitamin B-1) be adequate when supplementing with potassium because heart disease can not materialize when both are deficient, but will show up if only one of those is deficient ( ). This is probably the primary reason why heart disease is a main cause of death in rheumatoid arthritis patients. In view of the fact that this is not considered by current rheumatologists, it would be very valuable for you to bring it into your future research. It is not only that potassium is not considered by physicians in regard to RA, most of them do not even believe that a potassium deficiency is likely. This even though many of them prescribe what are actually supplements, but prescribed under euphemistic terms such as salt substitutes, sodium free baking powder, ORT salts (oral rehydration therapy for diarrhea), polarizing solutions, GIK (glucose, insulin, potassium) salts, vegetables, or glucosamine. A deficiency is further defined out of existence by defining the blood serum content normal as 4.2 when the actual figure is 4.8. Sincerely, Charles Weber 828 692 5816 PS You may find interesting an article that presents the history of arthritis research in

hi there is no RCT that food can affect Rheumatoid arthritis. ...

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My mother had a complete knee replacement 5 week ago she's doing good we went to therapy today and everything is ok she jest call me that her leg from the knee down is red and she is not in pain or anything should I be concerned

Please make sure your doctor gave you thrombotic preventive medication?/ injection? DVT associate with pain but some time not so Doppler study may require. If no fever , no pain and gradually redness decrease so it will cure it self . ...

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Good Day Doctor i am from South Africa my name is Renitha i need urgent help for Psorasis disease healing therapy and weight loss advise my blood type is O postive blood and i stress alot for everything in life. i have anxiety and panic attacks i am 45 years and my body weight is 95kg i will really appreciate if you can kindly advise me thank you Mrs Moodley

Hi Renitha, Your psoriasis problem can be solved with proper medication and correction in lifestyle along with reduction weight naturally. I would like to get more details about your medical history, medications you are taking now. check out https://www.**url**/media/set/?set=a.**********.**********.**********&type=1 ...

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Dr. Sameer Kad

  • Orthopedist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  583 Doc Points

Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points


  • Oncologist
  •  Mumbai, India

Dr. Alok Kalyani

  • Rheumatologist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  455 Doc Points

Dr. Sanjay Pandey

  • Homeopathist
  •  Kolkata, India
  •  250 Doc Points

Dr. Shrenik Shah

  • Orthopedist
  •  Ahmedabad, India
  •  126 Doc Points

Dr. Joginder Kumar

  • Orthopedist
  •  Faridabad, India
  •  511 Doc Points

Dr. Jamuna N

  • Accupuncturist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  202 Doc Points


  • Orthopedist
  •  Vadodara, India
  •  125 Doc Points


  • Orthopedist
  •  Chandrapur, India
  •  210 Doc Points