Hi there,
Thanks for your request. Your daughter seems to have gastritis.First give her anti-emetic like domperidone and for half an hour and then give some oral fluids. If she accepts then give her food. If she vomits out this tablet then take her to the nearest health facility for injectable anti-emetic treatment. Since there is history of similar problem , you may need to get an ultrasound of abdomen done. Feel free to ask any more questions. ...
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Most probably you are suffering from fatty liver changes. Discontinuing drinking alcohol or cutting way back potentially can allow your liver to return to normal but it will take atleast 4 weeks.
However , many people who suffer from enlarged liver don't drink too much,
and need to look for diet low in what's called high glycaemic index.You should focus your diets around fresh, preferably raw fruits and vegetables, along with home made juices, and to purge your diets of all simple carboh ...
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Since you have had a fissure, chances of recurrence are high. Constipation is just one of the causes of fissure. There can be other causes, for example, there can be a tear in anal canal, or there may be a foreign body present in body, or it can happen during normal labor.
Usually the fissure has bright red blood and not dark coloured blood. Since you have dark, it indicates that blood is coming from above in alimentary tract, which might be due to inflammatory bowel disease, irritabl ...
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Try with some good physio therapist ,with CPM and manual therapy skills. ...
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Oral ulcers or apthae are common in the oral cavity induced by several reasons. Most commonly you would experience burning sensation in the mouth. If it asymptomatic, no medication is required. Do not use any salt as it would aggravate the lesion. Apthous ulcers are self limiting. ...
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Honey when mixed with water it increases metabolic rate,due to which energy consumption is increased,which in turn leads to increased calorie consumption,which may leaad to weight loss.
But it is very negligible,if excercise or diet is not done with it.
This is a part of my shared knowledge,i have never read it anywhere. ...
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You have mentioned dry socket, the appropriate treatment for that is use of local antibiotics and systemic analgesics. Kindly get a radiograph done and ask your dentist to irrigate and flush the area before inserting the local medication. ...
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You can have acinil-o along with pantoprazole but pantop will have better effects than acinil-o.
Then in 7th point I told about alcohol and not water. Alcohol also causes acidity,specially empty stomach,so you may have alcohol after having some food.
In fact you should have plenty of water which I had missed to tell you.
Feel free to ask further question. ...
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GERD will persist but the effect can be decreased by life style modification like good brisk walk for 40 mins, avoiding fat, consuming more curd and buttermilk rather than milk and keeping a gap of 2 hrs between food and sleep.
Cintpro is by and large relatively safe drug for long term use till now.
We need to see the reports of existing tests before we proceed with further tests
Stress has significant role in symptoms so please be relaxed. ...
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You also asked about lime juice,it does not have any proved effects but being an antioxidant like any other antioxidant it will have beneficial effects on sperm count. ...
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