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PAST HISTORY : Bilateral bulky ovaries size rt. 39.2×30.6×24.5mn( vol 15.4ml) and lt. 27.2×18.7×32.7 mn ( vol 8.7 ml) with thickened stroma & small cysts in periphery consistent with?? Pcod. No sizable T.O.mass lesion on either side
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
The normal size of ovary is 30 mm x 15 mm x 15 mm..
However it may vary from 3-5 cm and normal volume is 10 ml and bulky ovaries may be seen in (cysctic ovary disease).
The report you sent me - is that a complete ultrasound report,because cyst can be single and can be multiple. Single cyst at times can be normal but poly cyst are never normal and they cause a little irregularity of periods(which you did not mention whether cyst is single or multiple)
Now your rt ovary is bulkier and conatins a liilte more fluid than normal,but that at times can also be normal(pcod is a ultrasound diagnosis)
Do you have irregular periods or any other problem you are facing ?
Are you obese ?
Do you have excess body hair ?
Kindly mention your complete ultrasound report
For this, you can get tests like 2 hr GTT, serum androgen and testosterone levels, LH-FSH ratio, prolactin levels, TSH levels,17-hydroxyprogesterone levels and 3D ultrasound done.
Feel free to ask further question