Today is my 16 day of cycle an
  Today is my 16 day of cycle an

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Today is my 16 day of cycle and I have 2 eggs ruptured when should do pregnancy test Pls reply me soon as possible and it's possible to have twins

PAST HISTORY : No medical history

1 Answers

Patient asked followup Question: 9 years ago

Eggs was ruptured on 14 day of my cycle

Hi there. You may do pregnancy test 14 days after your eggs ruptured. Because it seems that 2 eggs ruptured, twin pregnancy is a possibility. Goo luck.

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My doctor prescribed me to take yamini tablets (drospirenone and ethinylestradiol tablets) from 5th day of period. I started taking tablet on 5th day and had inntercourse on same day. She didn't ask me about my perio cycle is my period cycle is short. For last three months I am getting periods at interval of 25 days days but before that for some months, I had cycle of 22 days. Can I be suure about not getting pregnent.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi!! YAMINI is an oral contraceptive that produces an artificial cycle.If earlier your menses were for 22 days but after starting yamini they come regularly after every 25 days,it is normal. Also,chances of conceving on yamini are extremely low if you are taking the pill correctly,that is,taking it daily,not missing any tablet and starting the next packet on the 8th day of finishing the previous packet ...
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Hopes For you Visit Us at---> Hopes for you. We will try to solve your problem without medicines only with latest psychological therapies . We have nos of clients like you. Pl see feedback given by Clients. ...
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Hi, I stared the HCG diet 10 days ago using the drops. I also am trying to have a baby so I had sex three times during the week of ovulation. Last period was on January 8. I have had pregnancy symptoms, five positive pregnancy tests, no period. I did have some spotting but it was brown which makes me think that I am pregnant. I am not sure if it is the HCG drops causing a false positive test. Last night I put some of the drops on a pregnancy test and it was a faint positive. My dr. recommended a blood test and then another 48 hours later. I have poor insurance coverage as I am a business owner, and I don't want to spend the money on the blood tests this early. I usually have a 28-31 day cycle. I am thinking of just waiting a couple of weeks, I live a healthy lifestyle. Advice, sorry to ramble on. Jaclyn

  Doctor's Answer

Hi Jaclyn!! your issues as to whether the test for pregnancy is actually positive or not are actually confirmed by the serum beta hcg which if doubles in 48 hours means a viable and growing pregnancy. please get the blood tests for the pregnancy done as told. Also ,i hope you had rhogam after in your 1st pregnancy and after the miscarriage. Also your previous pregnancy with history of incompetent os means that this condition is likely to happen again so go in for prophylactic encirclage of the ...
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Will I be able to conceive and carry on with the pregnancy successfully. My Doctor has prescribed the following medicines : 1. Decdan 0.5 mg 2. Ovafar 50 mg 3. Inj hMG 75 IW (Im) - Humog Follicle Size in mm on Day 11 - 02.02.13 = 11x11 on Day 15 - 06.02.13 = ruptured Please explain what the follicle report indicates and why the above medicines have been prescribed to me

  Doctor's Answer

For detection of thrombophilias ,kindly get blood tests that are-anti thrombin 3,protein c,protein s,anti phospholipid antibodies-igg and igm,these tests are covered under thrombophilia screen offered by most labs and can be done without doctor prescription ...
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I am male 40 yrs at India . I had protected sex but unprotected insertive fellatio ( 2 mins ) from a call girl . On the 11th day and 17th day after exposure went for both DNA PCR test and P24 antigen test and all the 4 tests turned out to be negative. Please appraise me about my current status and shud I consider the results to be conclusive . Please let me know wether I shud go for any more tests . If yes , which test and at what time frame . I somehow managed to avoid any sexual contacts with my wife. Looking forward to your kind reply and I am under lot of stress and guilt

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, That is true that it gives a conclusive result as told by the company,however since i have not seen many results by myself so i am not very confident since the test is not very old. You may get your test repeated now,just to get it confirmed and you may visit an internal medicine specialist and if you are so anxious you may also have hiv prophylaxis (if the doctor md medicine thinks it right for you). Don't worry as much as i have read about the test it is conclusive but since the test is ...
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My doctor prescribed me to take yamini tablets (drospirenone and ethinylestradiol tablets) from 5th day of period. I started taking tablet on 5th day and had inntercourse on same day. She didn't ask me about my perio cycle is my period cycle is short. For last three months I am getting periods at interval of 25 days days but before that for some months, I had cycle of 22 days. Can I be suure about not getting pregnent.
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Hi, I stared the HCG diet 10 days ago using the drops. I also am trying to have a baby so I had sex three times during the week of ovulation. Last period was on January 8. I have had pregnancy symptoms, five positive pregnancy tests, no period. I did have some spotting but it was brown which makes me think that I am pregnant. I am not sure if it is the HCG drops causing a false positive test. Last night I put some of the drops on a pregnancy test and it was a faint positive. My dr. recommended a blood test and then another 48 hours later. I have poor insurance coverage as I am a business owner, and I don't want to spend the money on the blood tests this early. I usually have a 28-31 day cycle. I am thinking of just waiting a couple of weeks, I live a healthy lifestyle. Advice, sorry to ramble on. Jaclyn
2 Answers
Will I be able to conceive and carry on with the pregnancy successfully. My Doctor has prescribed the following medicines : 1. Decdan 0.5 mg 2. Ovafar 50 mg 3. Inj hMG 75 IW (Im) - Humog Follicle Size in mm on Day 11 - 02.02.13 = 11x11 on Day 15 - 06.02.13 = ruptured Please explain what the follicle report indicates and why the above medicines have been prescribed to me
3 Answers