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PAST HISTORY : healthy
Dr. Simarpreet Singh answered : 11 years ago
this can be most probably due to cheek biting, i.e. while chewing or otherwise your cheek comes in between your teeth...apply pressure in outward direction with thumb for a couple of minutes multiple times a day and massage with a gum paint having tanic acid. do consult with your dentist...
Dr. Aparna Bandodkar answered : 11 years ago
visit your dentist .your dentist will check the wisdom tooth with respect to its eruption status,inclination, prospects of hygiene maintainance . whether it needs extraction if at all it is trapping a lot of food and debris and leading to a localized infection in that wisdom tooth region leading to sore throat or pain while swallowing can be advised to you only after the dentist inspects that might require an xray a local one or a full mouth xray (opg).
Dr. Tanakanti Praveen answered : 11 years ago
wisdom tooth might have got erupted slightly leading to exposure of small tooth portion and space between tooth and overlying tissue where food particles get entrapped. this some times lead to sore throat. please visit ur dentist for opinion of tooth eruption clinically
Dr. Darshan Parikh answered : 11 years ago
Can be because of cheek bite or pressure of the wisdom tooth/teeth.
apply orasep LA gel on the affected area 3-5 times/day and rinse with warm water + salt and massage
if it does not become better in a week then will need to look at it
Dr. Surendra Keswani answered : 11 years ago
Hello! The wisdom tooth must be buccally erupted and must be impinging on the cheek mucosa while swallowing.Might just require slight reshaping/trimming of the tooth or might require as much as extraction.So visit a dentist and in the meantime do H2O2 gargles and apply anesthetic gel on the mucosa if its hurting......VISIT your dentist.
Dr. PRAVEENA BORRA answered : 11 years ago
May be your wisdom tooth is erupting, and the gums surrounding the tooth is infected. Just visit your dentist and take an Antibiotic course if needed. Nothing to worry.