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PAST HISTORY : recently i am not taking any medical treatment
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Although enetering penis into ass is not a normal part of sex,although many people do it but still most don't even do it or are unable to enter ass hole and is difficult as ass hole is very small.
Vaginal hole or meatus is a respective term and canot be belived as per you,it can be told only after examination.
Normally vaginal hole will be according to pelvis size which will be further according to her height.
Now for you 3min can be normal as you are recently married and this time will gradually increase slowly and slowly.
For increasing the stamina during sex and to hold longer,these are natural steps
1)do regular aerobic exercise
2)do regular early morning yoga
3)have a healthy diet which contain fresh fruits and vegetables
4)you should try kegel exercise,stopping urine mid stream which increases the strength of pelvic muscles
5)you should also increase protein in your diet if it is less,have dals,chicken,eggs
6)you can also try jelqing exercise(you have to repeatedly stroke penis from base to shaft of penis)
7)also have plenty of water
8)drugs can be prescribed for people who have very low holding time,but i think you won't need that.