sir, I am having a lump(about
  sir, I am having a lump(about

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sir, I am having a lump(about 3 cm diameter) in my buttock (right) since about 15 years . It is not creating much problem but I am very much worried about it now that can it be cancer ? It hurts a little when it is pressed . I am quite healthy otherwise and my weight and health is normal. Can cancer be there for such a long period ? Please help me sir. I am a male of 32.

PAST HISTORY : I am having a lump of width 1.5-2 cm attached to my left testicle at the upper part of the testicle since 10//11 years. (I have mentioned the width only because the shape of lump is just like a small testicle and I am unable to hold it from its length because it slips from my hand and some cord(perhaps epididymis) is obstructing me to hold it from it's length. most likely It's length is about 2.5 cm and I mentioned the width only). It is not causing any pain or problem with me. I put a torch light behind it and saw that it is allowing light to pass through . I masturbate much. Can this be cancer or is there any chance that I will have cancer in future ? I am scared of cancer Please help me. Can cancer be there with me for such a long period ? Is the light passing test is reliable or it is very very necessary to do ultrasound ?

2 Answers


The lump is at a very odd place and i have not seen many lumps at that spot since you have told that it is of the same size since 15 years so it should not be harmful but still i would advice you to get an mri done to be safe and i also would like to ask that who diagnosed it you or some of your relative or by a doctor.
It could be something in the muscle,which might be seeming to be a tumor.
Also get blood investigations like esr done and cbc done.
If any thing in the history or if any symptoms you face are missing then kindly mention those symptoms.
Any problem in defecation ?
You should get an ultrasound scan for your testis,light passing test is not a reliable test and it can't be relied.

Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago

I have already done the ultrasound of my testis. It came out as epididymal cyst and the doctor advised me to leave it as it is. If it causes any pain or any other problem in future then only it may be removed by surgery. I also show the buttock lump to a doctor and he advised that it is nothing but a sebaceous cyst and prescribed some medicine and said that it is not dangerous and it can be left as it is. And if it creates any problem in future then it will be removed by surgery. But he advised me not to manipulate it with any pin etc .

Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago

No sir , I have discovered the lump on my buttock and testis. No problem is there with defecation . I have already done the ultrasound of my testis. It came out as epididymal cyst and the doctor advised me to leave it as it is. If it causes any pain or any other problem in future then only it may be removed by surgery. I also show the buttock lump to a doctor and he advised that it is nothing but a sebaceous cyst and prescribed some medicine and said that it is not dangerous and it can be left as it is. And if it creates any problem in future then it will be removed by surgery. But he advised me not to manipulate it with any pin etc .


Yes this is true that epididmal cyst can be left like that and can be treated if it gets infected or it starts causing pain or any other problem or then you may get it operated.
Even sebaceous cyst can be left like that if not causing any symptoms but sebaceous cyst don't lie for so long usually you may go confirmation by getting a biopsy done.

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