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Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Your insulin fasting levels are too high than normal values(7-25 normal value). So you should get yourself investigated and have a full physical examination, because the diagnosis can be only made after that.
The common causes for such raised insulin levels are insulinoma, cushings syndrome, acromegaly, insulin resistance( can cause such high levels). If you have hypertension,obesity also associated with diabetes then it will be termed as metabolic syndrome.
The main aspect is to bring down your insulin levels,which can be difficult if you have obesity and raised cholesterol levels. The above goal can be achieved by diet, exercisea and prescribed drugs. Drugs will also have to be given for raised cholesterol,obesity,hypertension. Then other controls like reducing your salt intake,sugar,butter needs to be followed.
Feel free to ask further questions.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Sir: Cholesterol-201.4 mg/dL Triglycerides-159.5 mg/dL HDL- 29.0mg/dL LDL- 139.5 mg/dL VLDL- 31.9 mg/dL Ratio-6.9 T3-107.49 ng/dL T4 - 10.5 micro g/dL TSH - 5.104 iu/Ml BLOOD PRESSURE - 130/80 HEIGHT -178 CM WEIGHT-98 KG note am having severe acidity problem.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Your tests are on higher side,and you should be started with drugs for reducing cholesterol and triglycerides. Even your cholesterol/hdl ratio is very bad so you will have to be started with drugs for reducing all this. But first diet and lifestyle changes have to be made. Your tsh is also raised mildly and you might also be started with drugs for that too.
Diet and lifestyle changes include:
1) Reduce your calorie intake
2) Limiting the amount of carbohydrate and unhealthy fat that you eat.
3) Being more active.
4) Stop alcohol which is most responsible for triglyceride
5) No smoking
6) Regular walking(for raising your hdl)
7) Reduce direct sugars
Rest your weight and blood pressure are normal.
Dr. Anand Prakash Rao Ghorpade