my face turned completely blac
  my face turned completely blac

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my face turned completely black because of to get rid of it

3 Answers


Yes you can be treated with that habit but the first and foremost is that he should have a will power of his own for that. If you want to quit the habit and if you do not have that will power then you may attend some counselling sessions by a psychiatrist or you should have a look at the following questions and try to answer them when alone

1. Why I am wasting money for some material.
2. What does smoking give me except for lung cancer or lung diseases ?
3. We are paying money for making our self sick and to bring disease?
4. Eventually we will be paying more money for the treatment for these disease.
5. The treatment for the disease is more than just simple medicines and they might involve chemotherapy which is very expensive and very painful and life threatening also which is difficult to take.

Ways by which you can try and quit smoking is
1)Self belief is first and foremost by knowing about the disadvantage it is going to give you in over the years
2)Keeping yourself busy in work or something,involve in some sports activity
3Chewing gum (may be nicotine chewing gum may also be prescribed for a few days,to be prescribed by a specialist
4)You will need a lot of motivation from your family
5)Limit your intake of caffeine
6)Do early morning yoga
7)Try to save just the money saved by smoking and at the end of the year yo will notice to have saved a lot of money

Withdrawal symptoms may include,if he has had tobacco for a long time are

1)Anger, frustration,irritability,nervousness
4)Weight gain
You will need a lot of love and care and support from home if you really want to quit,anger won't do that.

Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago

U got me wrong...that was not my ques..I already quit concern is how to get back my original skin complexion currnently it became totally black because of it possible?


Usually smoking can result in loosening of the texture or shine of the skin but will not cause the skin to change its color.
Has the skin totally changed its color or are there some black spots over your skin.Now if skin has totally changed its color then it should be some hormonal cause to it,or some kind of vitamin deficiency but if there are just some black spots then it could be serious
I will advice you to get a few tests like tests for liver,lipids tests and kidney function tests.
Is there any kind of swelling over you body which has recently come over your body ?
I will also advice you to have once daily multivitamin,so that if you have some kind of vitamin deficiency then it should resolved.

Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago

Only my face has turned black..i do not have any black spots on my face..and there is no swelling on any part of my a soft. developer and i do not go outside so this is not because of sun sure its because of smoking because the day i started smoking my complexion started effected and now it became worse...and my hair also started falling from the that day and now i left with only few hairs on my head..i dont know what to do...


Look if you think it is simply because of smoking then, have plenty of water and have multivitamin tablets and avoid any sun exposure and you may also use sunscreen lotion.
It must have occurred after having smoked for years,so it just can't be back within a few days it will take a lot of time depending from month to a year.
You can be prescribed hair oil for hair growth but that can be prescribed only after examination.
If you think the changes in your face has occurred suddenly by smoking for a few days or may be months,then it is difficult that it occurs in so less time,however it can occur but even then you need an examination why did it occur so fast.

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my face turned completely black because of to get rid of it

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Look if you think it is simply because of smoking then, have plenty of water and have multivitamin tablets and avoid any sun exposure and you may also use sunscreen lotion. It must have occurred after having smoked for years,so it just can't be back within a few days it will take a lot of time depending from month to a year. You can be prescribed hair oil for hair growth but that can be prescribed only after examination. If you think the changes in your face has occurred suddenly by smoking ...
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hi i have a female friend , she used to to smoke Hookah tobacco for 3 months then suddenly she stopped smoking , now she feels heart pain (heart beats faster ), chest pain (hard to breath and some timed coughs blood ) and back pain when she went to the hospital the doctor said you must stop smoking hookah gradually not stop suddenly so what do u recommend and is it true that this is the only solution for this problem ? or is there some kind of pills or medical solution? i don't her to smoke again cause if she tries again she may be addicted again to hookah tobacco so please i want a better solution then this solution
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I had laparascopic surgery for endometriosis over 3 years ago. What I thought was two black dots from old stitches in my belly button, turned out to be both scabs. I can squeeze a good amt of pus out of each hole. I haven't been able to get pregnant since the surgery. Could my abdomen be infected or is just the belly button. The holes never closed.
2 Answers
1. Using tobocoo products since long time back 2. One and half year back ( October 2011) observed a tiny white colour patch inside cheek. 3. Consult the doctors and as per them it is because of sharp teeth byte. 4. Since uses tobacoo product it is also leucoplakia inside the mouth. 5. Doctor prescribe the ointment like kenocard, candid and it improved a lot 6. Since it was not completely finished so another step I had done to remove some superficial layer over that area after the consultation with same doctor ( In November 2012) 7. I was assuming that after removal it would completely solve the problem. 8. Unfortunately the patch is still there along with new skin. 9. Importantly the patch is not grown till date as it was earlier. 10. I am really having great mental pressure about how it can be solve and what step we need to take care so that it would
1 Answer