my daughter is 14months old an
  my daughter is 14months old an

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my daughter is 14months old and weighs 8.2 kgs. here appetite is very poor.kindly advice some medicine for her weight gain.

PAST HISTORY : Recently she had urti.

1 Answers

There is no medicine for weight gain
You need to just give proper diet
You can add some multivits like visyneral z

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Sir, Im a male of 28 yrs. Weight is 50 only even my hight is 6.30. It looks very very thin and Old. I wanna gain weight and wanna be healthy, so is there any advise for me to gain weight and health.

  Doctor's Answer

Antidepressant, haematinic syrup,multivitamin,protein supplements and anti-allergens should be taken only if prescribed by your doctor. ...
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My wife had a HSG Test done w/ x-rays 4 days ago. Last night she was complaining about a sharp pain in the lower left quadrant of her lower abdomen. She said it was very painful and was not going away or becoming less intense. By the time for today came, she was complaining about the pain, it being 5/5 at times. She described this pain as a sharp stabbing constant pain. However, now the pain is radiating around the lower left of her abdomen to her lower left back. The area is very tender and the pain spikes even when slightly pushed on in both the areas, abdomen and lower back. Is this a common side-effect of having the HSG Test? Especially if both of her tubes are blocked and she has been diagnosed with Endometriosis. Please help me figure this out so I know whether or not she needs to be seen at a hospital.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, By telling that she also has fever,one thing is confirmed that she has an infection. Now if she has problem in her micturition too then either the infection is in her urinary tract or the pelvis which will have to be seen first and then an antibiotic can be started. So you have to consult your doctor now. Feel free to ask further question. ...
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My wife had a HSG Test done w/ x-rays 4 days ago. Last night she was complaining about a sharp pain in the lower left quadrant of her lower abdomen. She said it was very painful and was not going away or becoming less intense. By the time for today came, she was complaining about the pain, it being 5/5 at times. She described this pain as a sharp stabbing constant pain. However, now the pain is radiating around the lower left of her abdomen to her lower left back. The area is very tender and the pain spikes even when slightly pushed on in both the areas, abdomen and lower back. Is this a common side-effect of having the HSG Test? Especially if both of her tubes are blocked and she has been diagnosed with Endometriosis. Please help me figure this out so I know whether or not she needs to be seen at a hospital.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi!! The pain after getting an HSG test done,will not come after 4-5 days as you have described,rather this pain is probably due to other causes. Pain due to endometriosis is present more just before the onset of menses and during menses. Kindly review with your nearest hospital about the cause of the pain which may be due to renal colic ,ureteric colic,etc ...
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Now I am 10 weeks pregnant and my doctor is saying that USG is showing that the foetus is 9 weeks old and no such limbs are seen in the foetus. Doctor advised to take Injection CORION 5000IU weekly and ARGIPREG Sachet -1 sachet daily with other regular Tablets like ASA 50(1 daily), SYSFOL PLUS (2tab daily) and DUBAGEST-200(1 daily). Doctor is suspecting the foetus is of poor growth and poor liquor. Doctor said to take Injection for 3 weeks and if any improvements are not found then, I have to discontinue my pregnancy, but I am not in a mood to take such decision. Please guide me if I can carry my pregnancy and what shall I do now?

  Doctor's Answer

your case is one of high risk pregnancy as you have had one previous still birth. If Baby has poor birth weight and leads to still birth ,then other causes of poor growth of baby in recurrent pregnancies needs to be evaluated.Please get your thyroid profile done,thrombophilia screen done as these are the most common causes of theses problems.also let me know whether the baby was normal in appearance in previous pregnancy and if any autopsy was suggested to you. inj corion and is given to suppo ...
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my daughter has been prescribed Serta 25 for a panic attack she had recently while in a boarding school. She is in the final year for IB boards and maybe undergoing stress in preparation for the forthcoming exams. she is a little highly-strung and sensitive girl. With reference to the black-out she had she said that there was no external stimuli ie. pressure of the exams to have caused this attack. I as a mother am not not very sure. Her doctor prescribed Serta 25 one a day in the morning and Sibelium 5 one a day at night for 30 days. I am concerned about the side effects of these medicines. Are they safe to take under the given circumstances.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, As you told that your daughter had a panic attack,she had to be prescribed with drugs to calm her(at least for the acute phase and might be removed after one month and she might not even have an attack later in her life if she can stops taking stress,but this is to be seen later), dose will be decided only on the basis of her examination. Rest other symptoms also indicate that she had nervousness and was a anxid child and may be due to stress she might have had a panic attack. Now for the a ...
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1 Answer