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Dr. Rahul Varma answered : 11 years ago
Is there any other symptoms in your baby like vomiting, passing hard stool etc.
You need to get an ultrasound done.
Do not ignore it and shoe to nearby child Specialist/pediatric surgeon.
Proper abdominal examination will tell the exact consistency of swelling.
If doubt persists on ultrasound, then CT abdomen will tell the exact cause but first visit your pediatrician.
Dr Rahul Varma
Dr. Monish Thomas Puthenpurackal answered : 11 years ago
Does the baby have difficulty in passing stools, blood in stool , hard stools etc., Or does the baby have any symptoms like poor feeding, vomiting, fever, irritable states etc., ? In any case, the baby has to be taken to a clinician for examination of the lump, to see the consistency and mobility of the lump and an Ultrasound abdomen, X-ray abdomen and CT scan are warranted in this case. Also consult by a Pediatric surgeon to rule out surgical condition and a Routine bloods to check infection status also required. In any case, do not ignore it and do act in an urgent manner.
Thanks and Best regards,
Dr.Monish J.Thomas