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Dr. jayalakshmi rajesh answered : 11 years ago
you can add zinc and a probiotic zinc drops 0.5 ml once a day .loperamide should not be used in children.dysentry will take its own course ,if the child is active alert and not vomitting do not get worried
Dr. Shaukat Panjawani answered : 11 years ago
No it is contraindicated.You continue with ORS can give prebiotic probiotic sachhets.Also go for stool examination,and if needed lactose free formula.
Dr. Sajid Ahmed answered : 11 years ago
Dysentry means presence of blood and mucus in stools, maybe it's just diarrhoea (watery or semi-loose stools)
Stool examination will give more clue-- may need antibiotic in addition to ORS and zinc supplement. The doctor will try to rule out intussusception (intestinal blockage)-- may need ultrasound imaging of abdomen.