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Dr. Alok Kalyani answered : 11 years ago
I am Dr Alok, Rheumatologist from Delhi
I am sorry about your illness
Unfortunately, there is no cure of spondyloarthropathy, but it is well treatable disease. You should see rheumatologist as soon as possible to avoid deformity
Hope this will help
should you have any queries, please donot hesitate
Patient asked followup Question: 11 years ago
Thaks for ur answer..... how many days should i need to take the treatment / medicines? i met a rheumatologist few days back... he told me to use HCQS-200 Tabs.... is it enough for my problem...? can uplz suggest me any thing? can i get marriage? im 25 years old.....
Dr. Alok Kalyani answered : 11 years ago
Unfortunately I am not conveince with the treatment, if diagnosis is spondyloarthropathy
So I m not able to answer your queries until I examine you personally