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PAST HISTORY : 3 months back from then onward i have pain from my anus to foot from backside after having hard motion for 1 month something like nerve pain, when i foold my leg i feel that pain. My back is alright already took x ray
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
You may either visit a neurologist and i am sure that there must be plenty of neurologists in manglore.
You might have been visiting genral practioners and since this is not a very common diagnosis they might not have thought this diagnosis.
Who diagnosed you,if just internet by having siilar symptoms please dont't diagnose like this.
You may have such symptoms due to constipation with electrolyte and vitamin deficency.
You can get an mri done and serum electrolyte done and then let me know.
Do you ever have black stools,if yes then i would precribe you with more tests and stool softner.
You may have multivitamin till that time you give me your further details with tests.
What is your job profile,because this happens to people who have long sitting hours.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
I had Constipation problem but now its fine. every day after motion there will be some pain from left side of the anus to left leg foot and it decreases after 2 to 3 hours. I went to neurologist he made me to do back x-ray he told my back is fine and gave me therapeutic tablet for 1 month and he told that if pain is still there then to go for MRI scan. Now i have exam starting from 2nd will end on 10th, 11th i will go back to him. Then i will report to u.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Now since the time you have reduced constipation,has the pain reduced ?
What is th name of tablet that he gave you ?
Also tell me about you serum elctrolyte levels and you make take a multivitamin tablet once daily for now.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
The pain has reduced but some level of pain is still there. i can feel the pain through the leg also like a nerve pain. when i fold my leg also i feel pain. What is serum elctrolyte? where and how to do it? The tablet which the Doctor gave is Megabid 50mg. The Doctor where i went he still dont know what is my problem. When i go next time i will tell him properly.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
This tablet is very effective in reducing the pain,although causes sleepiness and if it causes excessive sleepiness then you can get the tablet changed.
You should get an mri done to evaluate the cause behind the problem and there are many similar problems which cause similar symptoms.
Serum electrolyte is a blood test and can be taken from any lab,although the values should be fine its just confirmatory.
You can also try flexon-mr half tablet twice daily along with tab rantac one tablet twice daily.
If it is a nerve pain,then usually such pain may take 2 weeks to 2 months to go away.
Dr. Anand Prakash Rao Ghorpade