i ve sexual problem.
  i ve sexual problem.

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i ve sexual problem.

PAST HISTORY : i ve some sexual problem issues

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Matching Already Answered Queries

I have had wisdom tooth issues for the last few years. For the second time this year I am experiencing a "locking" of the jaw. My two wisdom teeth are laying sideways instead of straight up, and they both have cracked and broken exposing the nerve. I can barely open my mouth more than an inch, can't fit a fork in there, can't yawn. It hurts. I do not have dental insurance and want to know if I go to the ER can they at least give me an antibiotic or something to alleviate the pain. It is the weekend, and Tuesday is Christmas so my primary care doctor is closed.

  Doctor's Answer

hello, sorry to know about your condition go get an OPG done for emergency pain relieve get an antibiotic injection,pain killer injection like Dynapar AQ &HAVE SOME TAB OF MUSCLE RELAXANT LIKE Mobiwok plus you have to get them remover asap. ...
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I have an irregular heart beat that on occasion has been making my chest feel like someone is poking it. The poking pain feeling only occurs in a single location (right side of my sternum next to my nipple) and goes away in a few seconds. Went to the ER but the blood tests found nothing. This has been going on since 8pm Tuesday. I had issues sleeping until my wife came in, and when she laid down next to me I fell asleep. I have no issue staying asleep. Also, I have little to no appetite and I also have to burp a lot.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, For the symptoms you are presenting, we need to rule out the presence of angina in such a situation since you have told me that your blood tests revealed nothing. I also hope that you must have got an ECG done(which can only rule out presence of any heart disease). Excessive burping and such symptoms can also be due to gerd(gastro esophageal reflux disease). First of all you will have to rule out any associated heart disease,since you are in high risk group(diabetic,mildly hypertensive). ...
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Hi , My dad is 68 years old.He is diabetic and suffering from blood pessure. Also he has Sleep apnea issues..Offlate he is sleeping excessively, speaks while sleeping and also speaks assuming that a person is nearby (while the person is nt in the vicinity)..What can be the reason for the same?..A friend of mine asked me to check sodium levels..If that has to be tested , should that be done before fasting...

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, You told me that your father is having hallucinations(he sees what is not there actually),these are commonly seen due to hyperosmolar, hyperglycemic , nonketotic syndromes. The cause of hallucination is usually rapid rise in blood sugar.(the cause might be some exisiting infection in body). I have never heard of hallucination due to electrolyte imbalance,however you may get it checked as(electrolyte imbalance) definitely can cause confusion. Rest if he has very high blood sugar, dehydrat ...
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In the last 2 months, I have had 3 root canals, 2 abcess teeth,(the same one abcessed twice, the second time it was extracted) and 3 temporary crowns put on. Now, after all that, I have another molar that has a filling it from a long time ago, starting to act up...shooting pains like the nerve is agitated. What on earth could be causing so many of these issues all in such a short period of time? I brush 3 or more times daily. I'd heard that if my hemoglobin, b12 or iron was low that that may be the cause. I'm tired of being in pain all the time...any ideas would greatly be appreciated!!!

  Doctor's Answer

Failed root canal Could you come for a consultation if you are in chennai ...
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Hi, The foreskin on my penis is quite tight and I am not able to retract that easily. I am in a planning for marriage in next 2 - 3 months. So any resolution for the above problem? I have checked for options and came to know that Circumcision can be an option but worried about the process of removal of complete foreskin. I personally feel that foreskin is a very sensitive part of penis comprised of vital sex nerves, which helps to release sensual felling during masturbation/sexual activity but as the part of process to circumcision surgery, the foreskin need to be cut away so, worried that, without foreskin how I can get sexual sensation in future or during foreplay? How penis reacts after removal of foreskin for sexual activities? Is it true circumcision surgery really reduces some level sexual sensitivity from penis? Please help me on above queries. Thanks, Bikram

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Usually tight fore skin indicates that you either had phimosis or infection or scarring of your fore skin,which has to be removed now. It is a controversial topic and there is no confirmatory study,however all the studies done till now have indicated that sensation don't reduce or make no difference and that is what I have noticed too. Your sensation will be provided to you by your glans now,and sexual sensation should not reduce and there is confirmatory evidence on this that circumcisio ...
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Hi, The foreskin on my penis is quite tight and I am not able to retract that easily. I am in a planning for marriage in next 2 - 3 months. So any resolution for the above problem? I have checked for options and came to know that Circumcision can be an option but worried about the process of removal of complete foreskin. I personally feel that foreskin is a very sensitive part of penis comprised of vital sex nerves, which helps to release sensual felling during masturbation/sexual activity but as the part of process to circumcision surgery, the foreskin need to be cut away so, worried that, without foreskin how I can get sexual sensation in future or during foreplay? How penis reacts after removal of foreskin for sexual activities? Is it true circumcision surgery really reduces some level sexual sensitivity from penis? Please help me on above queries. Thanks, Bikram
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