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Dr. Gnanaraj Jesudian answered : 11 years ago
An Urologist can do what you are requesting. However what makes you think that you have excess scrotal skin? It is there is keep the testis lower so that temperature is about 1 degree less than body temperature for optimum testicular function
Patient asked followup Question: 11 years ago
Bc of a VERY aggressive circumcision what scrotum should b attached 2 almost base underside of penis is now attached 2 virtually head of penis bringing testicles etc more than halfway up shaft making it VERY unsightly and aesthetically incorrect. Function semi-normal but stunted growth due 2 up to 70% of foreskin being removed and not allowing original/internal penis to fully grow (I heard a POP about 12 Years of age). My doctor who delivered abs circumcised me, Dr. Biber from Trinidad, CO may give u some insight to my issue, this happened back in 1977 when he first began his practice
Dr. Gnanaraj Jesudian answered : 11 years ago
I am sorry to hear that. Usually when we do circumcision only the foreskin is removed and the mucosal flap method makes sure that no vessels are cut and no excess skin is removed. General surgeons might not use this technique but most of the Urologists use this.
Patient asked followup Question: 11 years ago
I'm just looking4 some kind of resolution from this individuals tactics, I don't believe in circumcision at all let alone what this guy did to me, so a urologist can help me? Do u know if insurance can help, I would like to have them fix this during my vasectomy operation if at all possible
Dr. Gnanaraj Jesudian answered : 11 years ago
It is possible to push back the scrotum and testis. Your Urologist definitely can help