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PAST HISTORY : I am not suffering from any disease. Haemoglobin level id 12 gd in blood report.
Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago
Please advice me as I am too nervous.
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Regular masturbation is not good usually for psychological reasons,but it should not effect your anus or hand however you can have burning in your penis due to infection .
You might be having uti,and burning in your anus can be due to acidity or excessive alcohol or high spicy diet. Drink a lot of water (2-3 litres)
1. Avoid masturbation for a few days
2. Avoid smoking
3. Avoid alcohol for a few days
4. Avoid highly spicy food or high glycemic index food(eating food from outside)
5. Are you a diabetic
6. Do you have any kind of secretion from penis or fever
7. Do you have bloating in your stomach or acidity