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Dr. Tejas Trivedi answered : 11 years ago
You gonna better go for a root canal treatment as it only seems a sure shot treatment option with your kind of case.
Dr. Krupesh Rajani answered : 11 years ago
The doctor has extirpated the pulp so it means he is already undergoing root canal therapy for your tooth. This procedure is normally completed within a week over 3-4 appointments. Meanwhile if you are having pain you may take Tab. Ibuprofen 400mg twice daily with consultation with your doctor.
Dr. nayan javiya answered : 11 years ago
you have to done root canal treatment because you already did conservative treatment but it fails so you have onle option to do root canal treatment.till that take diclofanace 50 mg tablet twice daily
Dr. gaurang shah answered : 11 years ago
a couple of drops of simple clove oil on a small cotton pellet be applied to the cavity. if simple clove is available put a small portion of it into the cavity. this is a temperory remedy. you need to get root canal done from your doc.
Dr. Rangeeth Nammalwar answered : 11 years ago
You have to go in for a root canal treatment. The cavity was drilled very near to the pulp. If possible take an intra oral x ray of the affected tooth and send it to me. Will guide you further. Also tell ,me what type of filling was that. Did the doc use a blue color light after placing the filling.
Dr. Surendra Keswani answered : 11 years ago
Hi!Based on the limited information provided by you; my suggestion would be to continue with antiinflammatories/analgesics as may have been prescribed by your dentist and do warm saline gargles atleast thrice a day.If this doesnot help your dentist will have to check if there is any high point in the filling else might require a root canal treatment.All the best!
Dr. Nipun Chopra answered : 11 years ago
Well, looks like your Dentist caused a pulp exposure while preparing your tooth cavity and tried pulp capping to try to minimize the damage, which was the right course of action. But since the tooth started hurting two days later, that's indicative of an infective episode. So, the further course of action would be to get a radiograph( X-Ray) done to check for the exposure / infection, followed by a Root Canal Treatment ( Unfortunately that's no longer avoidable).
As for pain relief, you may ask your parent to give you any available pain medicine and to remove the filling to relieve any swelling/ pressure on the radicular pulp ( nerves)(your mom ,being a dental assistant ,may be able to help you). For home remedy, you may apply clove oil in the concerned area with some limited relief.
Dr. shyam sundar reddy Dornala answered : 11 years ago
You have to undergo for root canal treatment, meanwhile take aceclofenac 50mg tablet twice daily and of course you can put some clove oil in the cavity.
Dr. PRAVEENA BORRA answered : 11 years ago
The symptoms that you are having and since you told that the cavity was a deep one, I guess you might have to go for a Root Canal Treatment. When ever the cavity is deep and a filling is done, the ingredients of the filling do irritate the nerve/pulp of the tooth and results in pain. Take some Ibuprofen tablets ( pain medicine ) available on the counter and go get the tooth checked or take a 2nd opinion from another dentist.
Dr. Praveena
Dr. SOURAV BANERJEE answered : 11 years ago
Hello dear, as you said that the cavity was deep and was suggested by your doctor to get it filled following some "pulp removal" may be that you have undergone a procedure called PULPOTOMY/APEXIFICATION.......actually u have not mentioned which tooth you have got treated. Now what ever history you have provided I feel that you may have to go for root canal treatment of the tooth. You may take 1tab ICPARIL tonight and 1tab tomorrow morning. Please do visit your doctor in the evening as self medication is sometimes hazardous to health. I don'nt know your weight and other vital stats so the medicine I have suggested might not be very accurate. Get well soon. And please do not apply any hot fomentation on the area. You may do warm saline rinsing few times that may relieve u a bit. TAKE CARE.
Dr. Tannu Taneja answered : 11 years ago
I think it will go for Root Canal Treatment...Home remedies you can have a drop of clove oil in the tooth...make sure a drop in the tooth not outside..
Dr. Sultan Ali answered : 11 years ago
plz mention the tooth having pain, (drilled some pulp) means the clinician went for pulpotomy.
still pains... , need to go for pulpectomy (if deciduouos tooth) or RCT (for permanent one), but XRAY is must to analyze and act accordingly.