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Dr. Salome Zhvania answered : 7 years ago
Increased heart rate has several causes: hyperthyroidism (it's important to check thyroid hormones), anemia (decreased blood hemoglobin), structural heart diseases (small case of mitral valve prolapse doesn't cause problems, as usually it is congenital), GI problems (such as gastritis, gastro-esophageal reflux, esophagogastroduodenoscopy can be done to exclude this), ischemic heart diseases (angina, previous infarction, which is not case for your age). If you don't have any of the above mentioned things, remains one-nervous system, which can cause increased heart rate, so it can be coming from head. Try to have healthy lifestyle, tray to loose extra weight, walk in fresh air, have enough physical activity (30 minutes of fast walking or jogging a day), go asleep ontime (night sleep is very important for our body as a very important substance called melatonin is secreted in our brain during night sleep, and this substance helps our body to pacify). If these don't help, you can try some light calmatives such as meant tea, valerian tablets...