accidentally I consumed 20 tab
  accidentally I consumed 20 tab

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accidentally I consumed 20 tablets of thyronorm of 50mg, What could be possible effect of this?

PAST HISTORY : Suffering from Hyper hypothyroidism since 2 years,

1 Answers

Patient asked followup Question: 12 years ago

I am suffering from lot of hair loss since post my delivery, Is this due to thyroid? I need an solution to get rid of the problem? Could you suggest the ways my hair fall to stop?


You should have directly visited a hospital emergency and got your stomach washed so that drug could have been removed.
Now its to late the drug would be absorbed partly and and would have gone ahead of stomach so no use.
You can face symptoms like anxiety,chest pain, pounding heartbeat, tremor, shortness of breath, leg cramps, confusion, vomiting, diarrhea, or seizures.
If you face any of these you should visit an emergency,however they would have come by now but still get a tsh done cause it might have randomly come down which should not have come down so rapidly and you might be lowered with your dose of thyronorm.
Hair loss in your age is usually hormonal,infective,stress related -many girls face hair loss just after delivery and they get better after a few months normally that is hormonal.
However that can be related to thyroid also,this can be told only after examining you and getting you tested.
For now concentrate on thyroid and get your self tested for tsh and visit an emergency as soon as possible.
You can have plenty of micronutrients,may be if they are deficient your hair loss stops.
Do you have dandruff or may be any other problem in your scalp ?

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  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Thyronorm is a tablet which is replacing your thyroid hormone level and even if your levels have come to normal, they are normal due to the drug and not naturally so more or less thyroid hormone replacing drug are life long and leaving the drug will slowly bring you back towards the same hypothyroid levels(you should be taking the drug). That is a good news that your levels have tested normal, now your doctor might try to bring the dose down and settle you to a lower dose than earlier but ...
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Hello Sir, You are suffering from myopathy for which a thorough examination needs to be done. Blood tests like Creatine kinase and Electrodiagnostic tests like Electromyography [ E.M.G.] should be done. Nerve conduction studies for the affected limb should be done. Many endocrine disorders can also cause myopathy such as thyroid , parathyroid , adrenal disorders , Diabetes , Vitamin - D deficiency etc. You need to go to your nearest doctor for clinical assessment . Moreover other blood ...
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  Doctor's Answer

Hi, The drug you are taking comes under the group of alpha blocker, which also reduces blood pressure(has some effect). As you are already taking a medicine for blood pressure,so you should be careful. Direct side effects 1) Headache 2) Vertigo 3) Tiredness 4) Stoamch pain 5) Constiaption 6) Dizziness Some side effects because of interaction with anti-hypertensive 1) Atrial fibrillation 2) Ventricular fibrillation 3) Tacycardia 4) Coronary heart disease( in people who are at risk ) So get y ...
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hello , i am having frequent hair fall and my hair circumference is reducing and getting thin . so i need to consult a physician , prescribing me androanagen tabs. i am suffering from hypothyroism . i am taking 75 mg of thyronorm daily empty stomach. what would you suggest me?

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Hair fall can have multiple causes out of which alopecia,patterned baldness,androgenic alopecia, alopecia areata,stress are among common causes. It seems that you have patterned baldness(seen commonly in males),now you can be prescribed with androanagen tablet once daily along with amexidil spray for about 4-6 months at least (but only after prescription by a dermatologist as it can have serious side effects). I can't prescribe any one without examination,and if you have some dandruff you ...
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  Doctor's Answer

Hello, I can understand your frustration. However I need to know more details about his prostate cancer and treatment taken, medications that he is taking and his present problems in order to suggest if any option can be advised. And a doctor would be last to give up hope for patient with great reluctance. ...
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