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PAST HISTORY : hypothyroidism taking 25mcg thyronorm. last year ultrasound suggested polycystic ovary but gynaec adviced no meds since having regural periods. continoust hair fall.scalp visible.2 years back dermatplogist advcd mintop and follihair and felolz. but when diagnosed with thyroid discontinued use. just start using 2 weeks back. also using renocia
Dr. Puneet Madan answered : 12 years ago
Intially when you start taking treatment for hair loss it can result in incresed hair loss for a intial few days,this is not the point for worry but since you have started using minoxidil for hair growth it will have to be used till the time you need hair.
People start using these drugs under anxiety, but should not have been used by you without consultation.
I agree with your gynec for not giving you any treatment