Topics Unwanted pregnancies
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Unwanted pregnancies

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i have taken unwanted 72 ,7 time's since past one year after intervals of 2-4 months. Am i going to have any problem in future, please reply to my question as it is urgent.

Hi, Well as the name suggests unwanted, it means that it has to be taken when an unwanted sudden situation occurs and this has been noted since emergency contraceptives have come in the market . Since that time normal contraceptive use has declined. Regarding your above questions that are you going to have any problem or not, I would also like to know 1. How regular are your periods ? 2. What effect did it have after taking an emergency contraceptive? As such the drug does not not have extr ...

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Getting red colour urination plus pain after taking unwanted 72

Hi, There are many cause of red coloured urine and instead red coloured urine is not a side effect or result of unwanted 72. It can be because of blood from vagina which might be appearing you to be blood from urine (as you had your last period on 01/12/12). So it must be time for you getting your period and otherwise also you can have withdrawal bleeding. It might also be a result of stone because you have pain in lower abdomen,which might be confirmed only after an ultrasound. Do you have a ...

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i had sex with my girlfriend on 20 dec 2012,after that i gave her a unwanted 72 pill,but her period came on 26 dec 2012,then her period again came on 9 january 2013, which is normal date of periodes in month,i want to know is it anything serious?

Hi, Till now nothing seems to be alarming she is having her normal due period. You just have to ask her about the flow(during current period), number of days(of current period) and if any pain(with her period) accompanying her . If everything is normal,the way she has it every month then nothing seems to be alarming and if any of the above three thing are not normal then she should have a check up. Specially the pain and flow should be noticed. Feel free to ask more questions. ...

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hi i have sex with my gf on 8th feb i was using precoussion i.e condom but at the time of intercourse the condom got damaged soon after that i gave her unwanted 72 within half an hour is it any possible of pregnancy??

Hi, Drugs available for abortion are not available for over the counter purpose,they can be prescribed only by a gynaecologist.. I hope the periods were her normal(regular) periods cause only then it is a matter of relief. ...

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Hi i am 23 days pregnant, Confirmed after blood HCG test. Consulted doctor, she prescribed Mankind's Unwanted Kit. She told to use it as per instruction ..I read the manual its written to take 4-misoprostol tablets after 1-3 days of taking the mifepristone tablet. Its mentioned to take Misoprostol Vaginally. As my pregnancy is only 23 days i don't want to take misoprostol vaginally..rather i want to take it orally. Can i take Mankind Brand's Unwanted Kit's Misoprostol dose orally in my case. If not mankinds any other good brands..cipla, sun alternative for using misoprostol orally. S. Dey. Age-25, Weight 49, Hgeight 5 ft.

Hi, The time gap is same whether drug (misoprostol)taken orally or vaginally.the drug whether taken orally or vaginally it is to be taken 2+2,you will take the first dose after 24 hours of mifepristone and then after 12 hours rest of the 2 tablets. But these drugs will be useful only if the pregnancy is intrauterine. Hope you have confirmed that. Yes it is possible that some products of conception are retained even after drugs and that can be confirmed only after an ultrasound,which is to be d ...

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my g.f is 26 yr old,her periods comes on 5th date ,after sex at 3 rd feb ,she take a tablet of unwanted 72 then check home pregnency test it is negative and after 1month and 10 days there is no any symptomps of pregnency and home pregnency result will also be negative bt there is problem her periods had not come after 1month and 10 days..?,my g.f consult a gyno-bt without any checkup she gives a dose of mifepristone and mesoprostal ..after taken these medicine periods has not come...what can we do?

Hi, There were a certain points which were a little unclear,how many times was urine pregnancy test negative and when. After how many days was it done importantly and when was it done last(date of urine pregnancy test). If urine pregnancy test is negative then there is no point why any gynaec would prescribe you mifepristone. The drug prescribed should not have been prescribed to you at least without confirming pregnancy by a urine pregnancy test and an ultrasound. The drug mifepristone is ef ...

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i had sex with my husband last month on 11 march. he used condom but he felt that protection has failed so gave me unwanted 72. after 1 day on 13 march we again had sex. this time also he used condom but this time we both sure that there is nothing to wary so i didn't take unwanted 72. next day i was bleeding continuously for 3 days. my periods date was 4 march but still don't get my period. my pregnancy test was negative and i m taking pill to get my period. what to do pls help me

Hi, The day you must have finished your tablets for bringing periods,the periods will come around 5-10 days after the last day you had your tablets. Unwanted 72 is a hormonal drug and and it is not neccesary that it will disturb your cycle at one go,that depends from person to persons hormonal structure how your body reacts to those drugs but if taken plenty of times they can cause you hormonal imbalance and should be avoided as much as possible. ...

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i had sex on 29th March and took unwanted 72. I had very light periods on 20th April and now for the month of May, i have not got my periods yet. Its like 5 days late. What should i do?

Hi, If you did not have your periods for the month of april properly then you should have gone for a urine pregnancy test at that time only but go for urine pregnancy test now and confirm it first that whether you are pregnant or not. Urine pregnancy test kits are easily available at chemist else you can go to a doctor and they will do it for you. Then the treatment would depend accordingly,if your are pregnant or not. Emergency contraceptives(like unwanted 72) are effective in most but not in ...

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i wanna remove unwanted hair in my body and how much it costs

Hi! To remove unwanted hair on the body ,you should get laser treatment done. The packages for laser treatment depend upon which area you want the hair to be removed.Also depend upon the growth of hair ,no of sittings required and the place where you are staying. You can consult a dermatologist/cosmetologist for this purpose. ...

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Dr. Ritu Sethi

  • Gynecologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  1094 Doc Points

Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Sanjay Pandey

  • Homeopathist
  •  Kolkata, India
  •  250 Doc Points

Dr. Jowin J William

  • Homeopathist
  •  Navi Mumbai, India
  •  122 Doc Points

Dr. Shrenik Shah

  • Orthopedist
  •  Ahmedabad, India
  •  126 Doc Points

Dr. Arun Desai

  • Ayurvedic Medicine
  •  Belgaum, India
  •  654 Doc Points

Dr. Christine Marie Rubio

  • Obstetrician and Gynecologist
  •  Parañaque, Philippines
  •  577 Doc Points
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