Topics Pediatric Endoscopy
  Topics Pediatric Endoscopy

Pediatric Endoscopy

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i am having a normal ecg and my echo test comes normal , but i am having a continuous chest pain . my endoscopy result specify me that i am having a antral gastritis. please let me know what can i do further

Hi, Antral gastritis common causes is Bacterial ( h pylori ). Then there are more infective cause which are a little less common (viral,tuberculosis) . Smoking,alcoholic,excessive drug intake might be other causes as well,or due to any foreign body intake. I would advice you - Abstinence from alcohol, - Abstinence from smoking(if you are having it), - Don't stress your self with excess workload or responsibilities if you think you have too much of responsibility; try and share that a littl ...

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My father had black stools (upon test it had occult blood), they did endoscopy and found an ulcer in lesser curvature. they did sclerotherapy. after couple of days the stools were normal in color. he got discharged. biopsy showed H.pylori and he was given h.pylori kit, orafer xt and cobadex since he had become anemic. after 2 days he fell unconscious, pissed in pants and later passed stools brown again. hospitalized him again. occult blood was present in stools from tests. they did endoscopy and found no bleeding from ulcer where sclerotherpy was done. everything normal in the stomoch and in both duodenum. he is still passing brown stools. donot know why ? please give your opinion.

Hi, Brown coloured usually may be even normal because of a little high billirubin content in stools. But there is also occult blood in stools so the blood must be coming from some place(intestines,stomach,duodenum) and it has been seen by a endoscopy that your oesophagus and stomach and duodenum are normal,now there can be blood from other sites, from lower gastro intestinal tract (colon,rectum). However if the occult blood is less or if it does not come again then you might not worry about it ...

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GERD. It has been on and off since 2008. The condition worsened last month in Jan 2013 and I could hardly swallow any solid food. It just gets stuck in the throat and feel like I am choking till I push the food down with water. Liquids and semi solid foods are ok. The doctors did Nasal Endoscopy, Normal Gastro Endoscopy, Esopheagal Manometry, Barium Swallow X-Ray and all tests came up normal. I was told the swallowing problem is primarily related to GERD and I was advised Cintapro 1 mg tablet for 1 month. So far as I take the tablet, I am able to take in selected solid foods fine, but not all foods. If I do not take this tablet for one day, the problem recurrs back. Question 1: How long will this motility disorder be related to GERD ? Question 2: Are there any side effects of taking this Cintapro 1 mg to help in motility on a long term basis (Say if I need to take this for some more time) Questionj 3: Are there any other tests that will show the proper reason for this motility disorder of the esophaegus (Apart from Esopheagal Manometry, Gastro Endoscopy, Barium Swallow X-Ray) etc.

GERD will persist but the effect can be decreased by life style modification like good brisk walk for 40 mins, avoiding fat, consuming more curd and buttermilk rather than milk and keeping a gap of 2 hrs between food and sleep. Cintpro is by and large relatively safe drug for long term use till now. We need to see the reports of existing tests before we proceed with further tests Stress has significant role in symptoms so please be relaxed. ...

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my son 13 yrs started suffering periodically from his stomach last year and, now he started vomiting an,all the medical tests and endoscopy it is negative.please advise.

Thanks chris for your query. Sometimes we get such cases of pain with no positive investigation findings. What tests have you done? Have you evaluated pancreas? Chronic pancreatitis may produce such pain too. Go to a gastroentetologist and evaluate. Thanks ...

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Sir i suffered from cough in december to may. But after curing from cough there was irritation in throat after endoscopy ent told me there is redness and swelling and took anti biotic but now its like phelgum in throat .throat swap,ct scan was ok .now how to cure from this

It must be irritable cough. May be due to acidity and acid reflux. Take long term proton pump inhibitors like Omeprazole, Pentaprazole, Rabaprozol with or without Domperidone. Avoid Fried, condiments, chuttani, pickle, tea, coffee, smoking, alcohol and fast food. Eat less in dinner and have your dinner 2 hrs before going to bed. ...

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Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1437 Doc Points

Dr. Sanjay Pandey

  • Homeopathist
  •  Kolkata, India
  •  250 Doc Points


  • Homeopathist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  103 Doc Points

Dr. Ashwani Singal

  • Pediatrician
  •  Ludhiana, India
  •  317 Doc Points

Dr. jayalakshmi rajesh

  • Pediatrician
  •  Chennai, India
  •  117 Doc Points

Dr. Vikas Sengar

  • Gastroenterologist
  •  Kanpur, India
  •  105 Doc Points


  • Gastroenterologist
  •  Jaipur, India
  •  115 Doc Points

Dr. Ravinder Verma

  • ENT
  •  Jalandhar, India
  •  244 Doc Points

Dr. Bhalchandra Jayakar

  • Paediatric Surgeon
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  406 Doc Points

Dr. Vidyut Bhatia

  • Pediatrician
  •  Noida, India
  •  315 Doc Points