Sir i suffered from cough in d
  Sir i suffered from cough in d

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Sir i suffered from cough in december to may. But after curing from cough there was irritation in throat after endoscopy ent told me there is redness and swelling and took anti biotic but now its like phelgum in throat .throat swap,ct scan was ok .now how to cure from this

1 Answers

It must be irritable cough. May be due to acidity and acid reflux. Take long term proton pump inhibitors like Omeprazole, Pentaprazole, Rabaprozol with or without Domperidone. Avoid Fried, condiments, chuttani, pickle, tea, coffee, smoking, alcohol and fast food. Eat less in dinner and have your dinner 2 hrs before going to bed.

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Sir i am suffering from knee sweeling in my rt knee for 6 month,two times i hv removed water(aspiration) from it bt never found relief.some time it decrease and some time increase.all tests x rays,crp,esr are normal not yet i found any relief.4 years ago same problem were in my lft knee and dr. Removed 2 pieces(tissue) from lft knee which were found normal(non specific),till one month after surgery i couldn't bent knee even a little bit,i took physiotherapy by wax and till 9 months i could bent it onle 80% after 1.5 or 2 year i could bent it properly 100 bt with pain,still there is pain when i bent it proper,and also swelling in rt knee.Dr.'s Of hospital in which i get surgery 4 yrs ago said that same surgery will pass in rt knee,bt i am afraid because still there is pain in my lft knee,if i pass again surgery in rt knee i will face same problem of pain in my rt knee,please advice me sir if there another way to get treated without surgery like med. Or i should get treated by surgery,i am just 23 yr old boy,still there is whole life for me to live please help me.

  Doctor's Answer

Try with some good physio therapist ,with CPM and manual therapy skills. ...
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A little over 3 weeks ago I went to the Dr for what he said was a really bad sinus infection. I was prescribed a 10 day course of antibiotics & I felt better. Well the last week Ive had a sore throat on the left side, an ear ache on the same side, a chesty cough I never got rid of and now bad breath. There are red streaks on the back of my throat which I assume are just from the stress of constantly coughing. I called the dr. & told him my symptoms and he seemed unalarmed and prescribed me another 10 day course of amoxicillian. My only concern is that its not a sinus infection because my sinuses aren't bothering me this time around - Im not even congested. Any ideas what it could be? Should I call the DR and make him actually see me or will the amox work? **Please no smart-alec comments about dental hygiene -- I brush 3 times a day & floss, so its not because i am not brushing**

  Doctor's Answer

why don't u meet a better ent surgeon ...
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i am taking the anti rabies vaccine due to bitten by 8 week old puppy . i have already taken 3rd does of the anti rabies vaccine ,today while playing with my dog i again get a cut. so what should i do?

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, The injections vaxirab you have taken is not a ARS .It is a vaccine and these are two different thing. Usually ARS is given at the site of dog bite where the dog has bitten you. if you have had bleeding from the place where dog has bitten you then yo may go for ARS (it is a serum,not vaccine) available at many government hospitals in India. ARS is a single dose and multiple doses are not needed. ...
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yesterdaydoctor extracted my upper wisdom tooth after thatdoctor told its ankylosed.OAF++.closure done with surgicel and 3-0 vicryl.still its paining and swelling also told take care nicely if the surgicel and suture will remove you have to undergone another flap surgery. y this tooth ankylosed?why they sutured with surgicel?

  Doctor's Answer

Dear Patient,Normally if proper approximation is achieved during primary closure and the wound closure has taken place ie after 40 days then there is no further need for for a flap surgery or Z-Plasty if the whole tooth has been removed. That will take care of the Oro-Antral Fistula.The pain and swelling is associated with the surgical part and shall dissappear within a week. Use cold fomentation along with the medicines prescribed to you by your dentist and wait. ...
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My father had black stools (upon test it had occult blood), they did endoscopy and found an ulcer in lesser curvature. they did sclerotherapy. after couple of days the stools were normal in color. he got discharged. biopsy showed H.pylori and he was given h.pylori kit, orafer xt and cobadex since he had become anemic. after 2 days he fell unconscious, pissed in pants and later passed stools brown again. hospitalized him again. occult blood was present in stools from tests. they did endoscopy and found no bleeding from ulcer where sclerotherpy was done. everything normal in the stomoch and in both duodenum. he is still passing brown stools. donot know why ? please give your opinion.

  Doctor's Answer

Hi, Brown coloured usually may be even normal because of a little high billirubin content in stools. But there is also occult blood in stools so the blood must be coming from some place(intestines,stomach,duodenum) and it has been seen by a endoscopy that your oesophagus and stomach and duodenum are normal,now there can be blood from other sites, from lower gastro intestinal tract (colon,rectum). However if the occult blood is less or if it does not come again then you might not worry about it ...
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A little over 3 weeks ago I went to the Dr for what he said was a really bad sinus infection. I was prescribed a 10 day course of antibiotics & I felt better. Well the last week Ive had a sore throat on the left side, an ear ache on the same side, a chesty cough I never got rid of and now bad breath. There are red streaks on the back of my throat which I assume are just from the stress of constantly coughing. I called the dr. & told him my symptoms and he seemed unalarmed and prescribed me another 10 day course of amoxicillian. My only concern is that its not a sinus infection because my sinuses aren't bothering me this time around - Im not even congested. Any ideas what it could be? Should I call the DR and make him actually see me or will the amox work? **Please no smart-alec comments about dental hygiene -- I brush 3 times a day & floss, so its not because i am not brushing**
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yesterdaydoctor extracted my upper wisdom tooth after thatdoctor told its ankylosed.OAF++.closure done with surgicel and 3-0 vicryl.still its paining and swelling also told take care nicely if the surgicel and suture will remove you have to undergone another flap surgery. y this tooth ankylosed?why they sutured with surgicel?
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My father had black stools (upon test it had occult blood), they did endoscopy and found an ulcer in lesser curvature. they did sclerotherapy. after couple of days the stools were normal in color. he got discharged. biopsy showed H.pylori and he was given h.pylori kit, orafer xt and cobadex since he had become anemic. after 2 days he fell unconscious, pissed in pants and later passed stools brown again. hospitalized him again. occult blood was present in stools from tests. they did endoscopy and found no bleeding from ulcer where sclerotherpy was done. everything normal in the stomoch and in both duodenum. he is still passing brown stools. donot know why ? please give your opinion.
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i feel swelling or somthing like pause in my throat or food pipe due to cold flowing in side the throat from last 7 months.i have taken anti biotics and homeopathy both but doesnt effect good .kindly advise me if it is soething serious to diagnos.
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