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Laser Peels

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Hello, I have had a nail fungus for a good ten years or so. When I first noticed it, I went to my doctor and he game me lamasil which I stopped taking after a few days since it had negative affects on me. Thereafter, I stopped taking care of it and just let it go for a good 7 or 8 years. I eventually grew up and started getting very self conscious of how it looked and wanted to wear sandals and flip flops and not have people think nasty things about me. A few years ago I went to my doctor again and he gave me a topical oil which I used for over a year and did not see any results. About two years ago, I noticed that a vertical brown line was starting to grow from the bottom up. I went to a dermatologist who took a sample of my nail but did not take a sample of the nail bed or from the cuticle. Biopsy came back as of course it being a fungus. He in turn gave me pills to take which I also had to stop taking since it was having a bad affect on my liver. After that, my dermatologist said that he would give me laser treatments which I did two of. They did not clear it but it looks a little bit better then what it was before. Still thick, yellow, crumbling below the nail, nail bed where new nail is growing is darker then the others and the brown line is still there. It is a thick brown line. How did I get this brown line? Did I get it because of the prolonged damage of the nail bed due to the years of having the nail fungus?

You're most welcome. Nail Melanoma does not affect multiple nails together while Longitudunal Melanonychia (LM) often does. The fact that an additional nail is showing changes is nearly conclusive that this is LM, which as I said is harmless. However it would be best to see your doctor to get this confirmed since I cannot see the affected area. I would recommend getting the entire nail removed if its the only one affected by fungus, but this will be solely to treat the fungus not because I thin ...

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is Laser treatment is possible for Fistula in ano ?

Yes it is - depending on the type and level of the fistula. Detailed examination by a Surgeon specialized in Colo-rectal surgery and competent in use of lasers can manage the problem. ...

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is laser treatment is better treatement on fistula ?

Hi, Laser treatment as far as i know has less post-op complications and less recurence after the surgery compared to other procedureds done in fistula surgery(like fistulectomy). But it is still less performed. ...

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Hi.. Im 24 yr old male. i have an habit of masturbation. i think in my school 8th class i did masturbation first time. After a year it became a habit for me. i’m very much ashamed of having this habit. After doing masturbation, I hate myself that I cant control it. I think to control doing next time, but finally again I do it. From that time to till now I cant stop this habit. So more or less I masturbate twice a week anyway and in rare cases thrice a week. Accidentally during my college time I watched some programs in tv saying that masturbation causes not able to do sexual intercourse with partner. It causes not able to give a baby after marriage. After seeing that type of programs I got very much afraid of my life. Before two years I did laser eye surgery. Before surgery they did all pre-test for me. Then they said that your nerves are weak so we need to do two more extra test. After that extra test doctor said that we can do the surgery there’s nothing problem regarding the nerve weakness. I Think may be its family gene problem having nerve weakness. Maybe your grandfather too could had nerve weakness in his life. And now after two years of eye surgery I didn’t face any problems. As doctor said my nerves are weak in my body from my small age.After masturbating all these days I feel my nerves got more weak than before. I don’t know whether it is due to masturbation.But nowadays after masturbation I get head pain back side sometimes and not everytime. Anyway I feel nerves are weak in my body.I’m afraid very much that I cant do sexual intercourse with my partner if I get married. I’m afraid that I cant make my wife pregnant after my marriage. Please help me can I make a baby with sexual intercourse after my marriage? Do I’ve to get any treatment regarding sexual or regarding my nerve weakness or do I’ve to check whether can I make a baby with good sexual intercourse??

Hi, Fatigue means thakaan or to get tired easily,the symptoms you described are not of nerve weakness.Rest other symptoms are very normal things which many people might face and it is difficult to comment may be there is some thing locally on your back which might be irritating you or may be some kind of allergy. If you really feel that way when you masturbate then get your self checked up to a nearest doctor and he might have to do investigation and various tests to confirm if everything is fi ...

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When I did laser eye treatment doctor told me your nerves are weak but they did the treatment as it is nothing problem regarding that. So as my nerves are weak, after my marriage when I get my baby, will that baby too will have nerve weakness?

Hi, Diagnosis of such kind can't be told like this or made like this they have to get all your tests done to make such a diagnosis. Unless the eye doctor was tell about the local examination for your eye. Do your eyelids fall,or do you have squint,do you have difficulty in looking left or right? Because there can be number of diseases by which you can be diagnosed(depending on your symptoms) but there will have to be a number of examinations and tests which will have to be done by a specialist ...

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For last 6 months i am suffering from Acne Keloids which keep on creeping up on the back of my neck. I have taken 3 courses of Doxycyclin for 3 weeks each but with no major improvement. Where can i get a laser/cyro treatment of my problem in Mumbai?

Hi, The starting treatment now would be corticosteroid injections before going for laser or cryo surgeries,however some people go directly for laser surgery. The laser surgery should be readily available even at good dermatology clinics or a little big dermatology set ups(as such i don't know the names of clinics) but all these facilities will be available at all corporate hospitals in mumbai. But your cause of keloid is acne,so it is necessary to treat acne and to control infection and inflamm ...

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I am 19 years old girl with skin problem on my legs. I have this really huge dark patch like thing on my right leg and I also have scars that have been left because of blisters or some sort of boils. All the doctors have asked me to opt for laser hair removal because they say I'm allergic to waxing. But what about my scars and I'm really scared of laser. Is it safe? Does the hair ever come back? And please help me with my scars. I really want to wear skirts and dresses again.

Hello, I am afraid it is not possible to comment on your scar without seeing it but I'd be happy to provide information on laser hair removal. Laser hair removal does not remove all the hair in the treated region forever - what occurs is permanent hair reduction. This means that 60-70% of the hair will stop growing while the remaining hair will be fine and grow out at a much slower rate. Optimum results usually require 6-8 sessions at least spaced 4-8 weeks apart. Thereafter one can choose to t ...

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Hi. I already asked a question before. I got reply for that and got expired. So i mentioned below my before question and reply:- Hi. i feel my nerves are weak. i'm 25 yrs old. My hands shake when i do some activities like when i take a tea cup my hands shake. When i'm drinking it slowly my hands shake. I feel very shy and afraid infront of everyone. I cant hold the pen and write normally as others do. I hold my pen very tight with my fingers and write. Then when i go in a bike, when i go in some speed i'm ok. When i go in a dead slow my hands shake. I feel more nervous when i stand in front of everyone. I also feel mild nerves pains in my legs and hands all the time. I'm about to marry in a year or two. I dont know why i get this. Is this occur due to i masturbate often? Is it curable? Can i get my nerves strong and hands without shaking? I'm not able to tell this to my parents. I'm very much afraid of this sir. Pls help me.. Reply for this:- Hi, First of all would like to clarify that it is not due to masturbation , it depends upon the cause whether it is curable or not. Do you feel any kind of numbness or any kind paresthesia in your hands or legs. Since how long are you having this problem and also describe in detail whether you are facing any other symptom or not and whether it was all of a sudden or the symptoms you are facing devloped gradually. Any problem in urine or dafecation ? Any history of trauma and is this pain bilateral or unilateral ? Any history of hypertension and diabetes ? You can get serum electrolyte level and vitamin d3 levels chceked in blood right now and also give me the awnser to above queries i asked you and then will let you know whether any other investigation is required or not. Would recomend you to have plenty of water and high protein diet and also one tablet of neurokind plus daily. My reply:- Yes i feel kind of parasthesia in my hands and legs. Actually i want to share a thing. I had laser surgery for my eyes before 2 years. That time doctor said my nerves are somewhat weak. May be its a family gene problem which could've occured for any others in your family. Anyway its not a problem for this surgery and they done it. I too okay with my eyes. As doctor said generally i feel nervous often. But last 6 months i feel kind of tickling or tingling in my hands and legs. I feel some like burning in my leg limbs. Others say all this occurs due to over masturbation. Help me..

Hi, Yes that much is ok no problems. ...

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Dr. Ramesh Madan

  • Internal Medicine
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  526 Doc Points

Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1438 Doc Points

Dr. Vivek Nair

  • Dermatologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  845 Doc Points

Dr. Kiran Lohia

  • Dermatologist
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  565 Doc Points

Dr. Sanjay Pandey

  • Homeopathist
  •  Kolkata, India
  •  250 Doc Points

Dr. Jameel Akhter

  • Surgeon
  •  Chennai, India
  •  108 Doc Points

Dr. Shrenik Shah

  • Orthopedist
  •  Ahmedabad, India
  •  126 Doc Points

Dr. abdul samad

  • Dermatologist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  216 Doc Points

Dr. vaishal kenia

  • Opthalmologist
  •  Mumbai, India
  •  303 Doc Points

Dr. Nagesh K G

  • Dentist
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  314 Doc Points