Topics ILD Specialist in Jaipur
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ILD Specialist in Jaipur

Find latest answers to ILD Specialist in Jaipur questions, ILD Specialist in Jaipur articles, ILD Specialist in Jaipur news and clinic/doctors who deal with ILD Specialist in Jaipur.

I need a Breast Specialist who can tell me about non-surgical breast enhancement

Use external prosthesis. Otherwise, go for the breast augmentation procedure. ...

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I have a swell in my lymph nodes. Is it better to see an ent specialist or tuberculosis dr?

Hi, There would have been a lot of questions i would have liked to ask you like from which site of the body was fnac done or which were the lymph nodes which are enlarged. But i suggest lymph nodes in your neck were probably enlarged that is why doctor suspected tuberculosis and we see a lot of weight loss in tuberculosis and you mentioned that point in your history,although there have to be a lot of points which needs to be checked before concluding to a diagnosis. Do you have fever,how much i ...

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i have regularly having irritation in the testes and in both legs like straining. whats is the problem?which specialist should i consult? is this leading me towards infertility?

Hi, Yes you can consult an md medicine for these complaints and if anything specific he might also refer you to a md dermatologist. ...

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fairly large hard mass on lower butt cheek, My doctor was unable to drain it. wants me to see a specialist. it doesn't hurt, but what could it be?

Chances are that it is a lipoma or a chronic abscess formed after an injection in the buttock. Consult a surgeon and get it removed. ...

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Last Thursday night, my wife had some breathing problem which is unusual. We went to a specialist hospital the next day and the doctor referred her to a cardio Specialist after the blood test showed that her cardio enzyme level is at 1300 where the maximum should be only 600 as per the doctor. My wife never had a heart complication before. So what does this mean.? Is this a sign of possible heart attack in future.? I'm extremely worried about her.

Elevated cardiac enzymes have several reasons, but first of all ECG and then due to clinical presentation and ecg results coronarography should be done as fast as possible to exclude miocardial infarction (heart attack) and if infarction is prooved she should take some antiishcemic medications all life long. It's very serious, don't loose time and visit cardiologist as soon as possible! ...

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Dr. Puneet Madan

  • General Physician
  •  New Delhi, India
  •  1430 Doc Points

Dr. Vivek Nair

  • Dermatologist
  •  Gurgaon, India
  •  839 Doc Points

Dr. Krupesh Rajani

  • Dentist
  •  Navsari, India
  •  163 Doc Points

Dr. Gladson Uchil

  • ENT
  •  Bangalore, India
  •  242 Doc Points

Dr. Sanjay Pandey

  • Homeopathist
  •  Kolkata, India
  •  250 Doc Points

Dr. Rangeeth Nammalwar

  • Dentist
  •  Chennai, India
  •  238 Doc Points

Dr. Jameel Akhter

  • Surgeon
  •  Chennai, India
  •  108 Doc Points

Dr. Samir Nayyar

  • Dentist
  •  Jalandhar, India
  •  119 Doc Points

Dr. Sucharita Pal Chowdhury

  • Family Medicine
  •  Kolkata, India
  •  531 Doc Points

Dr. robert joseph

  • ENT
  •  Kozhikode, India
  •  105 Doc Points