I need a Breast Specialist who
  I need a Breast Specialist who

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I need a Breast Specialist who can tell me about non-surgical breast enhancement

1 Answers

Use external prosthesis. Otherwise, go for the breast augmentation procedure.

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My 13 year old son had testicule torsion about a year ago, he was in the hospital and had surgery to remove one of his testicles. Now almost a year later he suddenly developed a red rash on his ball sac where the surgical incision is and its not smooth but rather rough , peeling a little but not hot to touch however feels like a slight pinching feeling. What may be the cause and should I just seek medical attention or do you have alternative suggestions?

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probably keloid,take n opinion ...
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yellowness over the site of healing might be normal. you might have developed dry socket that is paining or the ulcers might give you pain. dont worry it ll heal soon. or u sud consult the dentist. ...
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i am afraid that treating fungal infection may not solve the problem we often come across females with heavy breast fungal infection , backache and offcourse bad cosmetic look are common problems with breast hypertrophy if it is so best treatment in my opinion is breast reduction at our centre you may approach us at ********** ...
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  Doctor's Answer

Hi, pain cannot be attributed to cancer always. However it is advisable that you should consult a physician who can assess and examine for any abnormality. If physician deems it fit you might be advised a mammography. ...
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I need a Breast Specialist who can tell me about non-surgical breast enhancement

  Doctor's Answer

Use external prosthesis. Otherwise, go for the breast augmentation procedure. ...
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